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AskWhyMoreOften t1_iuioz0y wrote

>Further, you deal w large demographics of people and cashiers would have been fully automated if it was easy/unskilled, forever ago.

Have you been to a fast food place recently? Have you see those touch screen devices that takes your order, takes your form of currency and prints a receipt? You realize that’s replacing these PoS operators at a growing rate, right?


laxmolnar OP t1_iuireq7 wrote

Name one chain that has fully automated unskilled workers?

Weren’t we supposed to like replace taxi drivers w tesla’s forever ago?

Maybe our arbitrary definition of unskilled was made by some pompous ass who looked down upon those without the highest echelon of education?


RunnyDischarge t1_iujam82 wrote

Oh please never stop. This is the best thing I've read on reddit in a long time.