Submitted by theplayerofxx t3_y6ixry in Connecticut

Man I gotta say what is wrong with these dog owners. I walk this trail everyday on my way home, near the Vernon high school and every dog owner has no leash at all. It's mostly pit bulls also, they have no control over them at all. Had tons come up to me running well past owners to chase people on bikes and everything. I know the high school at times runs this trail also for gym can imagine if one of these kids get attacked. Please, have your damn pit on a leash!



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Jaybone56 t1_ispgxrk wrote

All dogs really do need to be on leash at all times,whenever I remind someone it's the law, I usually get "well why don't you call them" and then I calmly tell them it's for your dogs safety, that seems to freak them out and they usually put them on leash


Darondo t1_isprhld wrote

I’m a dog loving trail runner, but I feel very unsafe when I’m running in the woods alone and a giant dog starts chasing me. The owner is usually so blasé about it too. I ask “should I stop running so you can grab him” and they’ll often be like “no you’re fine”. But when I run he chases me. How will this end unless you do something?

As a dog owner I’m even more bothered by how little people worry about bears while in the woods with their dog. Yeah they leave you alone if you leave them alone. But if a curious dog runs at them they can and do bite in defense.


Jaybone56 t1_ispsjtl wrote

Great point,people just don't understand it's for their dogs safety as well as others to be leashed


hobosguns t1_isqfihc wrote

I get that your annoyed/ concerned, but please don’t blame the pits for having dumbass owners. All dogs should be on a leash when on public property no matter what breed or how well it’s trained. Jaybone is right, it’s for the dogs safety too. I couldn’t blame someone if they were threatened by my loose pit, even tho she is a big baby. As someone who has been attacked by a loose dog I understand completely. If you love your dog, be responsible and keep it under control


theplayerofxx OP t1_isqiii6 wrote

I used to own a white albino pit along time ago. I would never ever walk it with out a leash. These dogs are breed to kill, and I don't trust it not to snap. But to watch owner be so none caring like this is a poodle, it blows my mind


hobosguns t1_isqk7oy wrote

Some were breed to fight, some were breed for work and companionship. To say all of them are bad is ignorant. I have been bit by a golden retriever and they are supposed to be gentle family dogs. Do you stereotype people by race too or just dogs?


aarondavidson t1_isqgtg6 wrote

As someone that was bit, while running, a few months ago, and owns dogs, defend yourself. Grab a large branch and protect yourself.


Veryexpensiveggs t1_isrh7m6 wrote

I can’t stand it when people don’t leash their dogs, even when signs are marked so clearly that they must be leashes at all times.

We have a rescue, he’s extremely loud around other dogs, and without a proper introduction, he can become aggressive. Does that mean we shouldn’t take him on walks in the woods? Of course not, he deserves to go on hikes still live a good life. We follow the rules - we harness & leash him up and keep him well out of the way of other dogs.

Just because your dog is friendly doesn’t mean they can be off leash. If your unleashed dog runs up to my leashed rescue, and my dog just so happens to not like your dog… man we’ve got a problem on our hands.

Follow the rules. Leash ya dogs where ya have to. If your dog doesn’t “like” being on a leash, well, that’s on you for not training them.


Ok_Scholar_1987 t1_iss8so3 wrote

This exactly! I had a senior rescue pup with anxiety issues who was my first doggo and have public trails near my house. The trails are supposed to be on leash only but no one ever leashes their dogs. I had my girl on a leash walking her there and within 3 weeks of getting her she got attacked/in a fight with an unleashed dog that came right up to us-owner was far behind and couldn’t get there fast enough. I was shaken and called the rescue because being my first dog I didn’t know if she had started it/if this was normal behavior and was informed that an off leash dog can be threatening to dogs on a leash (which makes complete sense- one dog is free to run away,etc and one is stuck), that no matter how “friendly” a dog is not all dogs like every dog just as we don’t have to like every random person we meet… and thus we were not in the wrong and my dog felt threatened and acted in a natural defensive way. Suffice it to say we had 1 other incident elsewhere with an off leash dog and I could never again walk her there right near my own house or anywhere else where dogs don’t tend to be leashed, which was sad for me and her. Now that she has passed I walk there again but every time have unknown dogs running up or jumping on me. I am a dog lover but it feels unsafe not knowing these animals with owners often not near enough/paying attention. Also used to know someone on the swat team with a highly trained police canine who told me to never trust a dog 100% because even the most well trained dogs can still have unpredictable behaviors at times so yeah… I’m not a fan of off leash.


Prestigious-Tie2049 t1_ispz7wx wrote

If you fear a dog attack, kick it in the face.

It stops being a cute pet the second it starts going after your legs.


theplayerofxx OP t1_isqicjf wrote

I fear having to kill a dog more then hurting it and the owner being a prick


Prestigious-Tie2049 t1_isqiit5 wrote

Well it’s a kill or be killed world.

We’re all animals here


theplayerofxx OP t1_isqio0y wrote

Or the owners could just be reasonable human beings. But that's asking for a lot now a days


Prestigious-Tie2049 t1_isqj27x wrote

I agree.

But if something happens now, i’m not going to wait 20 years for shit to change.


demontreats t1_ispr1ya wrote

Same thing on the trails in Ellington. It seems like no one ever has their dogs on a leash and they run up to you barking like they are going to kill you.


Athrynne t1_ist6jfb wrote

As a dog owner, my advice is to get pepper spray to defend yourself.


Kodiak01 t1_isu1161 wrote

This is why I'll sometimes do Sunday morning walks at Evergreen instead, particularly in the hour or two before most stores open. There are lots of puppies out being walked yet not much vehicle traffic.

This past Sunday morning I came across an older couple with a beautiful Goldie. I asked politely if it was ok to approach for pettings and the woman said it would make the Goldie's day! Such a sweet animal. You're a really good girl, Penny!