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an_axe_murderer666 t1_itsfkb9 wrote

If it’s not going to remove the shit car tax , then I don’t give a shit lol


virtualchoirboy t1_itsgwj3 wrote

Thank you for letting me make a vote on your behalf. I'm sure you'll agree with my choices...


elporkco t1_itsholy wrote

Then don't cry about the outcome.


zgrizz t1_itsi366 wrote

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Even though this state is so stupid they keep electing the same party over and over, all while the economy and every benchmark of successful living continue to spiral down the toilet, I will be able to hold my head straight and say "Don't blame me"


Minnie_091220 t1_itsj7z3 wrote

Voting isn’t just a right, it’s your civic duty.


19GK50 t1_itskssd wrote

Funny ...not.


JaKr8 t1_itsofdk wrote

We've had moderate Rs and Ds in the big office. Paid down debt. Lowered crime. Not sure which conspiracy line you're pushing here...but at least one party has several candidates who openly deny facts. I have a hard time with that....

I'm independent, have voted for R and D at all state levels....


BeenBanned69Times t1_itt0h61 wrote

All the comments here are all about “you have to vote. It’s your DUTY” and then they see you don’t agree with who THEY vote for and you get downvoted lol why vote? Just have to hope we get a democrat that improves our state


Money_Whisperer t1_ittexe7 wrote

This reminded me of a skit by George Carlin-

“If I vote for dishonest incompetent people and they get into office and screw everything up, then I’m responsible for it. If I, on the other hand, did not vote, then I am not responsible for the mess you created that I have nothing to do with.”

It’s a pretty nihilistic viewpoint, but I do think there’s some validity to the argument that participating in a broken system is counter intuitive in some cases.


Trifish23 t1_itvanqv wrote

Thanks for reminding me to submit my absentee ballot application!