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mintccicecream t1_itgsx09 wrote

Thank you!! This was really insightful. My husband and I both attended public school and are now doing well for ourselves. Was wondering if private schools would make a significant difference, but this answered my question for sure. I’m thinking we will end up investing in a home in a good town with a good school district instead of shelling out money for private. Thanks so much!


WhittlingDan t1_itiyhhd wrote

Save the money and spend some of it on high quality tutors. Spend the rest of it creating rewards and incentives for your child that carry him or her through high school at a minimum but college too if possible.


Time_Yam301 t1_itjppqp wrote

This. I needed a math tutor in high school. Only truly elite boarding schools provide that kind of individualized attention. Regular private schools do not, at all.


76before84 t1_itm3r2c wrote

It really depends on the public schools as well. A lot of towns have great public schools where it makes it not worth it to pay for private. But it also shows in your property taxes as well.