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phunky_1 t1_iui1nep wrote

Thanks for a real world example.

The $500 in winter is what concerns me.

That is fine with oil prices where they are now. Most likely they will eventually come back down and heat pumps will be more expensive to operate.


ThePermafrost t1_iui3iwv wrote

Unfortunately I never ran the oil heat before replacing with the heat pump, so I can’t give a real world example.

However, theoretically Heat Pumps are just as cost effective in CT as gas per BTU, averaged over the year.

Some quick math, for 100,000 BTU’s of heat, assuming a 95% efficient Gas/Oil Boiler/Furnace, it would be $1.30 for Gas, $2.15 for a Heat Pump, or $4.56 for Oil (at $6/gallon). The Heat Pump however really shines in Summer, where it can cut your electric bill by 50% over using window AC’s or a standard whole home AC.


HartfordResident t1_iuiwoko wrote

Not sure if this matters but the heat pumps are fairly easy to program and zone (if you have 4 pumps, you have 4 zones).