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maxanderson350 t1_iuidv0g wrote

I'm not sure I understand the author's objective with this article. Is the idea that these place names need to be changed? are harmful? or are simply quirks of history?


Whaddaulookinat t1_iuk1ghf wrote

I mean it's interesting to think about, but it's sort of a niche issue especially in the native community. Kinda bigger things to deal with


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iuiiwm1 wrote

>I'm not sure I understand the author's objective with this article. Is the idea that these place names need to be changed? are harmful? or are simply quirks of history?

Did you miss the second half of the article below those links?

Author's conclusion:

>Place names are not permanent. If some are questionable by today’s standards, citizens can debate the decision to pass them on or to change them. Doing so responsibly requires honest conversation, respect for Indigenous voices, and a willingness to redress the thorny history of Connecticut.


maxanderson350 t1_iuimw2s wrote

No, I did not miss the 2nd half of the article.

What do you think is the author's objective?


Few-Information7570 t1_iuipelp wrote

I have no clue either. But I’d be open to changing the way our states name is pronounced. This is the first time I’ve noticed how close to the word Nantucket that Connecticut is. But they sound completely different.

I am at a loss of it would be horribly inappropriate it would be to start pronouncing it correctly. ‘Sorry for screwing you guys over but hey at least we say it right now’.


Sweaty_Conclusion_80 t1_iujolv5 wrote

History is by definition messy. No one can claim innocence: the native Americans were as brutal to each other as any group.


HatManJeff t1_iuj4j9p wrote

We don’t pronounce Versailles properly either heck we can’t even pronounce Thames right and that is an English word. Naming a river for the farmland it flows through sounds good too me. I used to love playing on the Westfield River growing up. You know the river that flows through the west fields.


UptownDonkey t1_iujwzev wrote

I'm not offended in the slightest at these place names. If you are perhaps you should talk to your therapists about it and stop projecting on everyone else. The people peddling this woke clickbait shit are about to hand control of congress back over to the Republicans. Congratulations. Hope the clicks were worth it.


TheSingulatarian t1_iuk28fh wrote

Connecticut place names mostly fall into three categories. English town names, Native American place names that stuck and Biblical place names. It mostly has to do with what the general attitude was at the time the place was named. Hardly worth getting one's panties in a bunch over.