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wrinklyweenus t1_iu5q1dv wrote

Because CT has an educated and self-aware populace that understands the fundamentals of self-care and psychological treatment.

I now live in suburban DC and this place has more stress by orders of magnitude than Connecticut. Not for me--I'm a nobody--but yesterday I was driving through the city at 11pm and I saw some young guy in a suit--undoubtedly an attorney or staffer--emerging from the office to get on his scooter. Everyone here is super Type-A, and it's not healthy.

The same probably applies to Silicon Valley and Manhattan.

Connecticut is a cake-walk.


Antique-Regret6162 t1_iu648j2 wrote

I'm glad connecticut is a "cake walk" to you, hats off my guy. As a single guy here, paying 1250 a month for rent on top of all of the increasing bills, I'm working a 60 hour week 7 days a week majority of the time. And I'm doing all of that just to be able to make bills and keep a roof over my head. I save MAYBE $1-150 a week.

If something unexpected comes up with my car or at the house (which they have recently) well there goes pretty much all of my savings! Life is just so swell over here


wrinklyweenus t1_iu8moo6 wrote

This is a national problem. Blame 40 years of Reaganomics.