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happyjammy123 t1_iu776sp wrote

Well we are just gonna have to work extra hard next year, I'd rather have a bunch of dumbasses making up the school year than to have them in body bags


gewehr44 t1_iu94n8e wrote

Kids were never at risk of dying. 80% of deaths were people over 65.

You don't get learning time back. A child's brain plasticity only lasts so long.


KravMata t1_iu9cqkz wrote

Kids don’t live on their owns and they are excellent little plague bearers. Also, teachers, admins, etc, are older and many at risk. You sound like you’re pushing a political agenda baseless in facts and reality. We didn’t know anything in the beginning, and we didn’t have a vax until 19 months in, at the end of 2021.


BottomDweller2 t1_iu93dnh wrote

I get downvoted but it’s the truth. Amazing how you dumb libs can’t deal with actual facts.


BottomDweller2 t1_iu8ol4l wrote

So dumb. The percentage of kids dying from Covid was virtually zero. That’s indisputable.


Downtown_Feedback665 t1_iu8xdcw wrote

You understand virtually any kid who was in school at all during Covid is miles behind in development compared to everyone else.

We’ll have an entire generation of kids who weren’t held accountable for grades, while half of them starved because their only source of food was at school.

Kids went back to school and they started squaring up to teachers, not take any finals, not allowed to fail or get any grades. We’ve created a 20 year gap of what will be an uncompetitive, unsocialized workforce.

Kids were BY FAR the worst affected by the pandemic. Doesn’t matter how deadly it was. A 60 y.o. who catches the virus and then is fine 2 weeks later is in a significantly better position than the millions of kids who missed years of school/ discipline because of inept policy makers


jose_luiz_ t1_iu7o0eh wrote

Kids were the least affected individuals from COVID.


AdHistorical7107 t1_iu86lx8 wrote

We didn't know the effects until the end of 2020, early 2021. We didn't even have a vaccine for most until end of 2021....

Did you forget this was a fairly new disease? Or did all those memes about unmasking our kids change your opinion?


gewehr44 t1_iu9596t wrote


AdHistorical7107 t1_iu99pzf wrote

And we kept learning more too, even up to now....

Look, I know it's the republican way to outweigh children's safety for their own benefit (i.e - them choosing guns over mass murders of kids, making kids go maskless and subjecting them to a disease which may kill them, etc). But it's really kinda BS now......

The world was faced with a new disease that shut down everything. Now, what GOP can do, is fund schools for educational purposes, but given what I see in Fairfield County, they have no desire too.


gewehr44 t1_iuavmd4 wrote

Kids were never at risk. Something like 60% of kids never showed symptoms after contracting it (as opposed to 35-40% overall). As a respiratory virus, everyone was going to be exposed eventually. Numbers out of the UK earlier in the year showed well over 90% of those under 18 with antibodies.

CT laws prohibits any school districts funding to be less than the previous year. If you actually look at school funding, the annual increases in spending far exceed the inflation rate by about 3x over the last 50 years. Any failures in school improvements aren't due to lack of funds. Go look at the towns in Fairfield county that are majority R, you'll see high spending per student.

If you want fewer children to die you could simply ban all motor vehicles. About 600 kids under 13 die in motor vehicle accidents compared to less than 50 firearm murders of all types.

Also... Not a republican.


AdHistorical7107 t1_iudr6qg wrote

If it wasup to me, banning of guns. Thats the #1killer of kids.....

But seriously, this disease mutates. Who knows what it can turn into.....

I'll take playing on the safe side any day.....


gewehr44 t1_iue1ujq wrote

All viruses mutate, as we know from the 1919 flu. Right now there are a lot more RSV cases sending kids to hospitals because they were kept isolated. Unless you're going to go hide in the wilderness there's no getting away from respiratory infections.


AdHistorical7107 t1_iue3pdc wrote

I dont know. After the last 6 years, and with all these commercials, maybe hiding in the woods isn't a bad idea....


gewehr44 t1_iuf8zf9 wrote

Everyone should be free to live as they wish. I'm just opposed to forcing people using state power.


Wi11Pow3r t1_iu8s0gv wrote

Physically maybe. But not socially/mentally. Anyone who works with kids regularly will tell you that that almost everyone is trending less mature and competent than was usual for the same age 3 years ago.


zdipi t1_iu82a5u wrote

Them being the least affected does not mean they weren’t affected.