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Front_Way5087 t1_iu93j5x wrote

It happens all the time when I drive at night. I had a person driving behind me the other night with their high beams on and I know they were high beams bc every time a car on the other side would pass the lights were dimmed and then shot back on. I have a rule when I drive if I see the lights of a car coming I turn off my high beams if the other car doesn’t I turn mine back on and then the other car will usually turn theirs off. I actually try not to drive when it’s dark bc of the headache the newer led lights give me but now that winter is coming and it gets dark earlier I’m not going to have a choice. Also I think the worst cars with the brightest lights is a Jeep, those things are so bright for no reason, we’re not in a desert that needs that bright of a light.