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spmahn t1_iy8xzra wrote

So because one person who has chosen to associate himself with a group despite no evidence of that group actually wanting to be associated with that person, that by default defines the entire organization? I’d love to hear your views on other groups of people with problematic members, I’m sure they are lovely and not in any way bigoted or narrow minded. If you’re looking for me, I’ll be over here with the people who can actually form nuanced opinions without painting everything black and white.


SippieCup t1_iy8zd1k wrote

If you hang out with nazis long enough, you get associated with nazis.

>So because one person who has chosen to associate himself with a group despite no evidence of that group actually wanting to be associated with that person, that by default defines the entire organization?

They did give him 25k in 2021. Think they will give me $50k if they don't want to be associated with me?

> I’d love to hear your views on other groups of people with problematic members, I’m sure they are lovely and not in any way bigoted or narrow minded.

Sure. Lets talk about Al Franken.

As soon as people heard that he may have sexually harassed someone, he was ostracized out of the democratic party, resigned from his seat to the detriment of the groups goals, and was told to fuck off entirely.

Now lets look at some republican sexual crimes... Matt Gaetz, Madison Cawthorn, Roy Moore, Jim Jordan, Donald Trump.

Wow imagine that, all of them are still strongly supported by the GOP..

So its not the actions of one person that defines the entire organization. The the actions of the organization that continues support for that person which defines them.

You can have nuanced opinions all you want, but if you are hiding behind "nuance" in order to protect your republican ideals, you are really just being dishonest to yourself. You are still supporting these awful ideologies by proxy, even if you try to rationalize it as "oh but those aren't my views, I just voted for his team."


spmahn t1_iy90axu wrote

Way to move the goalpost there buddy. Lets try this one last time, which Republican politicians in Connecticut are fascists? And don’t tell me that they are all fascists simply by association, this country runs on a two party system where you ostensibly have to be associated with one party or the other to be elected, yes in a perfect world there would be a separate group of politicians who could call themselves some other name, but we don’t live in Shangri-La, our electoral system doesn’t work that way.


SippieCup t1_iy90elg wrote

Dominic Rapini.


spmahn t1_iy90xdo wrote

He’s not a politician! He has never held political office. Just because someone defines themselves as being a particular thing does not inherently make it so. If I apply for a job as a doctor in a hospital, does that make me a doctor?


SippieCup t1_iy917qw wrote

He was selected to run by the GOP, Do you not know what a GOP ticket is?

If they didn't want him, he could run as an independent. its not impossible, just hard.

Just because the nazis lost WWII, doesn't mean they aren't nazis anymore.


spmahn t1_iy91o0a wrote

So if I fill out a form to run for city council, that act in and of itself makes me a politician? Huh, I guess I can declare myself to be anything I want and that makes it so. I want to be Pope.


WhittlingDan t1_iyaav0w wrote

If no one else runs and almost all the Republicans voted for you, to within a couple percent of Bobs total I would say that would count as support.


WhittlingDan t1_iyaamdf wrote

He got almost all the votes that Bob did. He may have lost but the Republicans voted for him. Less than a 50k different between The total number of votes for him and total for Bob.


spmahn t1_iyadx8z wrote

It’s almost as though a lot of people might just vote the party line and not do a whole lot of research on candidates, particularly for positions like State Treasurer whose responsibilities might be a bit esoteric to the average voter.


WhittlingDan t1_iya5f9i wrote

They didn't run anyone in his place, they accepted him.

Dominic Rapini got over 40% of the vote totaling 531,918. That's a lot of people supporting him, seems like almost all of the Republicans voted for him as Bob got 43%. So the party chose to support him by not running anyone else and the constituents voting for him.


spmahn t1_iya810u wrote

They don’t exactly get a choice who wins the primary, and there may not have been anyone else qualified / interested in running. It isn’t as though it was a race that was likely to be won by a Republican.