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IndicationOver t1_iwhrp4o wrote

You should be talking to your school academic advisor not us.


polyrhythmike t1_iwhut31 wrote

If you plan on transferring to a 4 yr school at any point your GPA at NVCC won't matter - but you still get credit for the course with a C.


quediabloshagoxd t1_iwhw2k3 wrote

Thank you, I do plan to transfer later on


kkaatt7 t1_iwihhyr wrote

If you transfer it’ll just be a credit keep the C so you don’t have to retake it


quediabloshagoxd t1_iwixh49 wrote

Thank you my immigrant ass still doesn’t know how college works


kkaatt7 t1_iwj0swk wrote

No one explains anything tbh. Good luck. UConn accepts C or better when transferring credits


bri1468 t1_iwhtqs2 wrote

If you are using financial aid make sure dropping this class won’t cause an issue with that.


VanPattensCard t1_iwhy795 wrote

I used to enroll in 18 credits a semester for this exact reason, I’d drop whatever class I was doing the worst in and wind up with 15 credits.


quediabloshagoxd t1_iwias75 wrote

Wouldn’t fafsa have an issue w that


VanPattensCard t1_iwicb6e wrote

It worked for me, I transferred to Syracuse and then back to my original school so I lost a bunch of credits. I didn’t always drop the worst class but it was a nice safety net to have.


funtrial t1_iwj6dpz wrote

A C is very different from an F. If you were failing it would be more of a no-brainer. For a C you need to consider your future plans. Sorry to hear you're struggling. Can you ask the professor what they think? Personally I think that if you have any real ambition in the field, I'd say drop it.


Synapse82 t1_iwjewas wrote

A C is passing, talking loco over here. Keep it, transfer it. Move on.

No one cares about GPA in the real world. Only degree yes\no <—- check box