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ventnorphan OP t1_iwkkjyu wrote

Did you work at BDL4 or another building? Certainly there are some very bad buildings to work at, but there are good ones too. I'm trying to find out which one I'm dealing with.


TCPottery t1_iwli05b wrote

That person is super negative about EVERYTHING. Take a moment to check his posts and comments before you give credence or value to his opinions.


IndicationOver t1_iwmh37k wrote

I don't check his or her post but it is a well known fact that Amazon sucks to many people


TCPottery t1_iwmjf1b wrote

I appreciate you, IO, but that fool is such a negative Nancy and pisses on everyone's Cheerios. This OP was looking for good information for an employer transfer. OP already works for Amazon and wasn't looking to leave the organization. OP wanted factual information about one location.