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Soggy_Affect6063 t1_ixbknji wrote

I’ll wait for the news story.


Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_ixbr6tf wrote

Yup I need the media to tell me what to think.


guesthost1999 OP t1_ixbcg56 wrote

Female passenger in custody. Driver unconscious, weak pulse.


deeply_concerned t1_ixc1ys5 wrote



PBall95 t1_ixc86pm wrote

I saw it in person last night at the new truck stop. I’m a trucker and they had blocked us from leaving for a little bit. Can’t confirm anything about an AR15 but a car drove through a guard rail into the truck stop itself and a female was arrested based on what I saw. At least 15 cop cars


Accurate_Age2596 t1_ixd7a5z wrote

The dude robbed a package last night in Shelton and that’s what led on the chase after they found him in west haven. He also just got out for robbing a Milford restaurant almost 9 years ago


TheSquatchMann t1_ixco5nx wrote

Yep, the comments section looked exactly as I expected it to.


nym1899 t1_ixenl3y wrote

Agh god dammit I couldn’t help myself


Dirty-Glock t1_ixcnvrs wrote

Lol just another day in Hartford no big deal


TheRealBaseborn t1_ixcu5cs wrote

Last month I saw a car chase where the dude legit got away. Cops were pursuing down Flatbush Ave. Traffic was PACKED, and this black sedan goes flying by on the wrong side doing like 70mph and flies through the red managing to squeeze through the gap. Five seconds later I see the cop coming up, he turns into the walmart parking lot thinking the dude dipped into there. Witnessed a hit and run last month too. Always something going on there.


itsmills420 t1_ixd1zxe wrote

I came for Eversource jokes, comments did not dissapoint


[deleted] t1_ixebmma wrote

Can’t be an AR those are illegal


werdnak84 t1_ixbibtd wrote

Oh god another news story like this it's only been a day.


Johnnie-1 t1_ixedt2a wrote

If he sold his gun he could've afforded the liquor, coke and hoes, think outside the box dude


IBEW3NY t1_ixfbt5g wrote

Ar-15's are illegal in CT. I’m assuming you’re spewing more liberal democrat lies, like our politicians!


bultrey t1_ixcvmik wrote

What is the point of this post? Were you looking to share information so that people could be careful when driving around a specific area? Mission not accomplished. This is more useless than if you had posted nothing at all.


BustNutInWatrTowr t1_ixf6mp1 wrote

So glad to be leaving this shithole state before the end of the month.


wornwarmworm188 t1_ixfd2ab wrote

Going to Texas?


BustNutInWatrTowr t1_ixgzgw6 wrote

Trying PA. I’ve lived in more than half of the mainland states, CT is by far the worst. Land? Gorgeous. Population? Disgusting.


RareAlphaSigmaMale t1_ixd2yvn wrote

Just a patriot expressing their freedom to do what they want and drive how they please.


bigbread2020 t1_ixef5pd wrote

If only they banned cars ! Thankfully California is in 2035


ijuanaspearfish t1_ixcgk9r wrote

I support gun rights but i do not consider myself a conservative.

Uvalde had more to do with lack of spine/effort than anything else, which to me hurt those kids more than the gunman.

All we here is the bad news when it comes to guns because thats what gets the clicks....

Its also a "perception" thing as well. Up here, its very rare to see open carry even thought it is 100% legal.

Why? Because most gun owners do not want others freaking out because the sight of a firearm in public is not something the public are used to seeing.

Meanwhile in many other states, I can go and regularly see people open carry and no one cares.

Why? Because they are used to it, they don't have as many negative associations with seeing a gun like we do in CT or the NE.

Ive been ok with guns my whole life, now my kids are also very responsible and comfortable with them too. But if I didnt educate and share that with my kids, chances are, they would be more fearful of guns.

A car can kill just as fast as a gun but you never hear about banning cars even though it causes more fatalities, especially with younger people.


Lobstaman t1_ixcixsy wrote

You’re making the perfect argument for one to be properly licensed before owning a firearm.


ijuanaspearfish t1_ixck83v wrote

100% correct, I'd go even further with mandating more invasive background checks for people who want to own guns. Assuming it is done fairly and equally across all people.

Gun rights will always be an issue up here.


Lobstaman t1_ixckzse wrote

It’s amazing how everything else in the constitution is open to interpretation, but for some reason, the Second Amendment is carved in stone, and must be taken word for word.


MonkeySee27 t1_ixcm4pr wrote

Well, except the part about a well regulated militia, people seem to interpret away that part of the amendment.


ijuanaspearfish t1_ixcluwa wrote

Its the world we live in.

People are just scared of them, part of me understands but the other part just wants people to be more receptive of other opinions and views.

If I can do something to protect myself and my kids, what father wouldn't? Its life insurance I appendix carry.

Its also an activity I enjoy with my sons, going to the range, practicing our shooting and enjoying each others company. Just as much as going on hikes or my boat to fish.


Omnibitent t1_ixciqfy wrote

Not arguing against your points, however I always get peeved when people bring up car deaths as a comparison. The purpose of a car is to get you from point A to point B quickly. The point of a gun is to kill. While yes you can kill just as easily with a car, that is not its main purpose. You can't say the same about a gun.


ijuanaspearfish t1_ixcjsho wrote

Doesnt matter what the intended purpose is.

Dead is dead.

The purpose is secondary to the result.

A gun can equally saves lives by taking one or more away in the case of a threat. Again, its about perception


Holl0wayTape t1_ixcpl9s wrote

No, that's ridiculous, sorry. Even in your example the gun's intended use is to take a life. It doesn't matter if in doing so another life is being saved. The purpose of a gun is to use it to kill something.

You've made some other good points in your previous comments, but not in this one.


ZebraRaptor t1_ixe7wv3 wrote

Not true. A firearm is used to stop the threat (when not talking about sport, hunting, or collecting). Does stopping the threat sometimes result in death? Absolutely. But it’s not “shoot to kill”. It’s “shoot to stop the threat”.

It’s an important distinction because even in a totally justified self defense scenario, if it’s found out you shot someone twice, and they surrendered, but then you decided to shoot more and it resulted in their death, you would be charged.


Holl0wayTape t1_ixebu20 wrote

True, but in the example written by the commenter I replied to, the gun is used to kill. The person said that if a life is taken it is fine because a life is saved.

Your comment doesn't have anything to do with the context of mine and the other commenter's comment.


ZebraRaptor t1_ixfz24q wrote

I get what you’re saying now. I agree, taking a life is awful no matter what, and any human with any morals would struggle likely for the rest of their life with that. But at the end of the day, when it comes down to you and your family or the life of someone who is actively trying to take yours, you’re going to choose you and your family 100% of the time.

A good quote I once heard from someone who had to kill in self defense “I don’t regret that I did what I had to do, I regret that he put me into the situation where I had to take his life”.


Fun_Savings_64 t1_ixcjm9z wrote

“All we hear is the bad news…” What is an example of good gun-related news?


ijuanaspearfish t1_ixckw5w wrote

Im sure there are plenty of stories about private citizens stopping or preventing a much worse scenario by having a gun when it was needed.

But at the same time, if you were educated about guns, you would know that it is not advocated anyone play the hero.

At the end if the day, i sleep well knowing that in the event my family or myself is threatened I have the knowledge and tools to have a fighting chance rather than all those kids in Uvalde as well as they're parents.

As a father, i have that right so I am free to exercise it.


Holl0wayTape t1_ixcpq97 wrote

"Today on channel 8 news, a gun was on its way home from volunteering at the homeless shelter and saved a kitten from a tree."


Justinontheinternet t1_ixbor50 wrote

Damn we’re 3rd in the nation in toughest gun control laws. How could this be if our gun control are so strong? It’s like these psychos totally disregard the laws. I wish there was a law we could pass that could erase evil intent. Maybe then these tragedies will stop. Even the CO shooting a year and a half ago the guy had made a home made bomb, threatened to blow up him mom. The authorities had to actually evacuate the entire block because of the situation. Yet he was still legally able to buy a gun. Why the hell was he on the street to begin with especially after a legitimate bomb threat?

Taking away guns from law abiding and limiting magazines isn’t going to fix the evil intent in people.

What will stop these shootings is destigmatized and easy access to affordable mental health care. And an overwhelming and visceral tactical response, much like the veteran who actually stopped the Colorado shooting. The vet grabbed the gun and beat the man over his head with it until a lady came over and started stomping the shooter with her heels.


Vet hero:

Gun control creates new victims because it disarms the law abiding who are on average 2-12x more law abiding than police officers.


Testarossa2013 t1_ixbs10x wrote

Laws aren't to stop crime. They're to allow prosecution for breaking said laws.

It's funny. The same Republicans who claim gun laws don't work also try to outlaw abortion because somehow that works.

And before you even start calling me a libtard or whatever derogatory teem you use these days, I'm a permit holder and gun owner. 😌


Justinontheinternet t1_ixbw10i wrote

Before you assume I’m republican and against abortion. I’m a independent and pro abortion. 😌

Just like I always tell people you like have more in common with your neighbor than we’re lead to believe. (Like you assuming I’m republican and against abortion just because I mention guns, it’s like the media regurgitated that thought for you)

“Laws aren't to stop crime. They're to allow prosecution for breaking said laws.”

If this is the truth then why are the only solutions being presented and passed are more gun laws? Especially the groups of people advocating for more gun laws and celebrating when they are passed? Especially fresh after each tragedy? Can’t they see by taking guns from the law abiding they are creating more victims?

The fastest growing group of gun owners are women and people are color. Why are people gladly advocating for creating more victims of those who have traditionally been victimized the most?

Usually laws are put in place to deter crime. Aka many “right” minded people don’t break the law out of fear of the repercussions. Not because they are afraid being prosecuted or the trial vs wasting away for years in our criminal justice system.

Meanwhile there are many criminals who break the law and do not give a fuck. It doesn’t bring bad the dead or make the crime “rewind” and not happen.


Flaky_Alternative_60 t1_ixbxurx wrote

You can tell how liberal this state is when you get downvoted fast for having a legit point... No matter how good your argument is...


turboda t1_ixc80jr wrote

I feel like that is reddit in general.


Justinontheinternet t1_ixbzq7s wrote

You can’t blame them, it part of their programming. Sadly most Americans believe what they see on TV or various forms of other media. Their assumption on my post has been on repeat in all forms of mass media since 1985.

Imagine playing word association with these folks.

Let’s do a thought exercise. Mass media projected

Guns-Republican, white, military assault weapons, middle aged balding, male, killers, evil, dangerous, MAGA, Domestic Terrorist, proud boys,oath keepers

This is what see because that’s what they’ve been conditioned to see.

Despite the reality being the below.

Guns- partisan , males females etc , young and old, multiracial, tools, fun, range time, home protection, shooting for sport, shooting to hunt and eat, conservationists, anti victim device.

Now what words do you hear most on mass media out of the two examples?

Basically, so many Americans can’t get past their primal urge to throw people into the “they, them”category. When that has been the premise to every atrocity committed by man. All in their name of a subjectively just cause.

The only way to stop this is to critically think. Which in today’s society if it takes more than 10 seconds or requires any actual effort, will be dismissed. Which is why I don’t expect this to change anytime soon.


letstalkab0utit t1_ixc8lpf wrote

I tell people all the time to think for themselves- stop putting every person in a category, stop putting them all in the same box.

They don’t get it, it falls on deaf ears.


[deleted] t1_ixcnpon wrote

Yeah putting everyone into little boxes sucks, but gun owners/enthusiasts are the breed that ruined this country. Fuck all of ‘em.


Dewage83 t1_ixdz2iu wrote

Thank you for making his point. Lol


Justinontheinternet t1_ixe1vdu wrote

Exactly I was going to reply But you nailed it. Me: Hey guys we’re not so different, let critically think about this. This dude: you’re right we’re not so different. SO FUCK THOSE GUYS OVER THERE



Lopsided_Cupcake_988 t1_ixdm8ep wrote

It’s because the same bum that are on Reddit all day are the loud minority that hardly contribute to society


Triscuitador t1_ixed2f9 wrote

you know we can see your post and comment history, right? you might not be a registered republican but you are a conservative


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixc9ma4 wrote

Yeah it's not like any politicians out there put up second amendment sanctuaries or anything....

Face party loves guns. Just ask the family members of the children massacred in Uvalde....

But hey, your gun is more valuable right? 🤷‍♂️


Lopsided_Cupcake_988 t1_ixdmemd wrote

So there’s no guns? Uvalde man just goes in with a machete instead or even explosives/incendiary devices


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixdmqv6 wrote

Oh and here we go with the whole "If it isnt a gun its something else" nonsense.....

If you don't have the mental capacity to think bigger and think ahead, you're not worth my time. Your mind is way too small.


Lopsided_Cupcake_988 t1_ixdzab6 wrote

Maybe if you had the mental capacity to realize why people do mass killing. An evil person doesn’t care if guns are legal or not they’ll use anything they can like a car or knifes or even their fists it doesn’t matter. Our 2nd amendment gives us a chance against these people especially for older people who can’t win a physical fight they can rely on a firearm to protect them.


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixe0snq wrote

Ah but guns are much more efficient. Ask the family of those bristol police officers and of the kids from Uvalde....

Keep justifying the mass murders. It's a great look on you....


buried_lede t1_ixciknf wrote

The mental health rhetoric from NRA interests is an excuse now, and a prelude to exploitation later.

If there weren’t access to the most lethal guns and ammunition, people’s mental health would be theirs and their family’s concerns and certainly not organized around gun licensing, which it would be if that were policy.

Maybe the misplaced paranoia about gun rights is a form of mental illness. How would the NRA folks like to be pushed back on their heels fielding that accusation?

The medical profession has no obligation to the gun lobby

Private militias are illegal too, but look at all of them. Is that mental illness or politically motivated? Who will be categorized as what? I’m suspicious of every argument from the gun lobby since the NRA was radicalized, years ago


_343_Guilty_Spark__ t1_ixcw9ju wrote

You need to look no further than the usual 2A supporters on this sub.

Take u/theokayestname for example. Always, ALWAYS going on and on about gun laws. It’s 99% of their profile, and the people they interact with on gun subs are exactly the same. You even dare to mention the fact that mental issues or the borderline fetishization culture surrounding guns is part of the problem and what do you get? Insults and a block.

There’s NO pleasing 2A nuts, especially with today’s political climate. The problem will never be fixed until they can swallow their own pride and admit something needs to be done


Likeapuma24 t1_ixhf7nn wrote

The problem is that they're not prosecuting firearm crimes. Guy just got sentenced yesterday after attempting to rob a guy & pointing a gun at his head... 8 years. Can't figure out what "positive attributes" this guy could possibly have.


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixc7isi wrote

You do know just about every illegal gun comes from a legal gun, right? More than likely that illegal gun was stolen from a "responsible" gun owner....

I'll agree with increased mental health access...


buried_lede t1_ixchwea wrote

Worked in Australia.

The amount of mental health resources it would take to counter “It’s 1776” etc rhetoric coming from an entire political party is a totally uphill battle.


darkoblivion21 t1_ixcqo1a wrote

There's plenty of examples of gun restrictions working when implemented at a national level but they never want to acknowledge that. They just point to x state with strict laws and say it's not working ignoring the fact that the guns are coming from other states with lax laws.


buried_lede t1_ixcuz0z wrote

And the time it would take because of sheer numbers - there are more guns than people here now - and how motivated they are to the extreme, which fosters homemade guns, ghost guns, 3D printed guns, criminal activity.

But ultimately, it works. Under Bloomberg, NY’s biggest gun problem were WVa’s lax gun laws and I-95


B00ZE_TAN t1_ixcazeq wrote

Oh the old “good guys with guns” argument? Look at the facts, most of the time good guys with guns don’t stop mass shootings, ask the Uvalde police


thekingofsecrets t1_ixcplvj wrote

I would say that argument doesn't really apply to police. In general the police will arrive too late to do anything about it. The good guy with a gun argument applies to someone who is concealed carrying and is able to respond with force to stop the situation. There have been multiple accounts just this year where a CCL holder stopped a shooting since they were on site and able to surprise the shooter.

Two notable accounts from this summer alone.


B00ZE_TAN t1_ixcuwqp wrote

Thank you, I didn’t say it doesn’t happen, but twice out of over 600 mass shootings this year. You are looking at less than 1% of the time a “good guy” stops them.


ZebraRaptor t1_ixe6zb9 wrote

That’s because they are stopped before they can become mass shootings…

Anywhere between 500k-3 million times a year guns are used in self defense. That’s a hell of a lot less victims.



B00ZE_TAN t1_ixe86zz wrote

Haha, I love the number 500k-3 mili? You might as well say we have no idea how many!


ZebraRaptor t1_ixe8mg1 wrote

Found the guy who didn’t even click on the article. One, it spans over several years, not every year had the same amount, and two, many cases go unreported. They only show cases that were verifiable through media or police reports.


B00ZE_TAN t1_ixea267 wrote

You’re right ,at the time I didn’t have to read it, I just think the huge difference between the two numbers is funny, because it is. The site you’ve given says they really have no idea, due to unreported incidents. Why wouldn’t you report a self defense shooting if you are a 100 percent legal?


ZebraRaptor t1_ixexe5v wrote

I see where you’re coming from, but using a fire arm in self defense is not always involving the firearm being discharged. Most of the time just as soon as the defender brandishes the firearm it’s enough to scare off the predator/robber/assaulter/road rager etc.

So that’s where we struggle with the numbers. They were over several years able to pull data that could be backed up by media and police, but if the guy ran off, sometimes someone may not report it. Also pretty sure the self defense claims can be of livestock so if a mountain lion was threatening you or your livestock it’s also part of self defense using a firearm.

Never hurts to click an article, they often provide the context necessary to make judgement.


thekingofsecrets t1_ixfe35a wrote

I would say you're referring to situations where there is no good guy with a gun. I've yet to read about a situation where a mass shooting devolves into a gun fight. There's either it ends immediately due to a CCL holder, or it goes on for 30 minutes until the cops show up. My take away from that is that it's a benefit to yourself and your personal safety if you seek out a CCL and training.


Strat7855 t1_ixcsfmc wrote

Setting aside the obvious issues, how exactly is one multiplicatively more law abiding than someone else?


Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_ixbd30n wrote

AR15 needs to be banned. Sorry not sorry.


Justinontheinternet t1_ixbnto6 wrote

We already have a ban in CT.


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixc79de wrote

They are? Tell that to the two bristol police officers last month who was shot by one last month...

Oh wait, you cant..


Nomadbytrade t1_ixcej6z wrote




AdHistorical7107 t1_ixcewdy wrote

Awww your intellect is phenomenal. Can't even type out a sentence. What a lazy 🤡


Nomadbytrade t1_ixcf2hd wrote

Still alive though. So smarter than those dumb bastards lol.


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixcf96d wrote

A shame we have to share air with POS like you. But you'll get what's coming to you


Remigius t1_ixca2cm wrote

CT already is too strict on firearms


im_intj t1_ixc75qv wrote

Please ban AR15 and make AK47 legal. Everyone knows the 7.62x39 is a far superior caliber.


TheOkayestName t1_ixbiujw wrote

Murder is already illegal. Banning inanimate objects won’t stop murder. Might as well ban cars so they can’t get in a police chase too!


Strat7855 t1_ixbizqq wrote

Will make it a hell of a lot less efficient, though.


TheOkayestName t1_ixbj330 wrote

Efficient for whom exactly? The people who disregard laws or those who want something in their house in case of intruder?


Strat7855 t1_ixbjx3n wrote

Guns ain't drugs. People enmeshed in the criminal element will likely still be able to find them, but the mentally ill who become mass shooters only get their hands on these weapons because society allows them to. And for criminals, why make it easy for them?

Home invasions are exceedingly rare. Your insecurities aren't justification for public policy that costs lives.

And anyways, if you're using a rifle to defend your house you're doing it wrong.


Soggy_Affect6063 t1_ixbl7k3 wrote

“Home invasions are exceedingly rare. Your insecurities aren't justification for public policy that costs lives.”

TF are you talking about? There was a home invasion at gun point that happened TODAY.


CaptainSolo80 t1_ixbn5fx wrote

Don’t worry I’m sure that guy’s baseball bat will work great against an armed crack head.

Guns ain’t drugs?! Drugs are the number one reason why criminals kill, to get more of/protect their drugs.

So let me get this straight this guys arguments are “criminals will always be able to get guns, so let’s disarm citizens, because helping the mentally ill is too complex.” And “At least that mentality ill Person won’t kill as many people”

That last one is the most smooth brained shit I hear all the time.

How about figuring out ways to help mentally Ill people so they don’t wanna kill anyone?!?

Okay you ban guns, what is stopping that mentally ill person that wants to kill as many people as possible from building a bomb or running over a crowd of people with their car?

You have to commit a crime to get a gun if you’re not suppose to have one, whether it be buying a stolen one off the street or lying on the background check about your mental health history. I’ll say it again banning guns won’t just make criminals and ill people disappear, you need to help them at the source of their frustration but that’s a harder issue no one wants to address…

There are Europeans countries with more relaxed gun laws then American, and they don’t all wanna shoot up schools or commit drive bys law abiding citizens in Switzerland can buy and own brand new fully automatic machine guns.

There’s a reason why the major American cities with the strictest gun laws still have the HIGHEST murder rate.


Strat7855 t1_ixbn2ax wrote

Burglaries in 2021 happened a rate of 154 incidents per population of 100,000. And that's all burglaries, of all property types, of all occupancies, armed assailants and otherwise.

BuT iT hApPeNeD tOdAy is not a cogent response to the point I was making. Again, your emotions don't justify bad policy.


TheOkayestName t1_ixbnv84 wrote

It happened today proved that it happened. Today. Your crimeless utopia fell flat there bud.


Strat7855 t1_ixbogrs wrote

You've passed "willful ignorance" and are rounding the corner into "suspected learning disability."

Yes, armed home invasions do happen. They are exceedingly rare. One could be happening in my home, right now, as I type this, and it would have no bearing on how often they do or do not occur. Do you understand that?

That you're fixated on a single instance indicates an emotional response, not one rooted in reality. I prefer my public policy based on facts.


Soggy_Affect6063 t1_ixbpcht wrote

Great. Then we agree. One instance is not a call for an emotional response or the enactment of bad policy. So if a shooting happens, it’s not a call for a ban on guns because “it would have no bearing on how often they do or do not occur.” Thank you.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ixcdxpt wrote

You're talking with a top contender for the dumbest person on this subreddit. Like shocking, special, almost exquisite level of stupid.


TheOkayestName t1_ixe2ppy wrote

Do you have autism!


-Gaunter-O-Dimm t1_ixe8rja wrote

Serious question, I’ve noticed lots of other users accusing you of blocking them for seemingly civil comments but you haven’t blocked this one user who I always see you having this weird autism beef with. What’s the story there?


TheOkayestName t1_ixebymf wrote

He asked me, out of no where and completely random & out of context, if I had autism once.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ixh957b wrote

It's obvious why I asked you.


TheOkayestName t1_ixhnuy1 wrote

How so?


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ixhs7zc wrote

C'mon. Don't be obtuse.

I've personally explained anecdotal evidence to you like five times and I've seen other people do it many more.

Yet every day you still post the same sort of dummy arguments based on anecdotes.

That's a serious cognitive or social abnormality.


AlphaSlayer21 t1_ixc1mqt wrote

An AR is an excellent home defense weapon what are you talking about


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ixcdtqs wrote

Maybe for small dicked morons.


Nomadbytrade t1_ixceqbp wrote

Can you explain to us on the fence about gun control, why an AR 15 is a bad home defense weapon?


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ixch4il wrote

Because before you ever defend your home with it, you're more likely to kill a family member or yourself with it. Like, exponentially more likely.

If you do ever defend your home with it, you're likely to punch rounds through your walls and then through the wall of the house next to you and through some little kids sleeping in their bed a half a block away.

Or you're likely to snap one day and then ambush a couple of cops.

What's wrong with the shotgun?

Trying to think of another home security option where "might occasionally kill family members by accident" is listed under the "pros." Can you think of any? I suppose if you had an alligator filled moat, someone could fall in and you might be like "well it's not a bug it's a feature."

Don't see many people with alligator filled moats though do you.


AlphaSlayer21 t1_ixcicxr wrote

They’re called frangible rounds. That’s the .223 you use for self defense, and that’s what I’ll grab every time. Know the rules of weapon safety and the layout of your home. Have fun clearing your house with a 26” barrel and 5 rounds of buckshot (that can definitely go through drywall by the way).


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ixclrcp wrote

>They’re called frangible rounds. That’s the .223 you use for self defense, and that’s what I’ll grab every time. Know the rules of weapon safety and the layout of your home.

Okay how about the rest of the post.....or do you only care about shooting your neighbors not family members.

>Have fun clearing your house with a 26” barrel and 5 rounds of buckshot (that can definitely go through drywall by the way).

You're larping around with some fantasy of home and self-defense, probably suffer from some lack of perceived control outside the home, when in reality you're probably just going to shoot one of those frangible rounds right into your spouse before you ever shoot an intruder.


AlphaSlayer21 t1_ixcph0v wrote

Bullets go through walls no matter what kind of firearm it is. It could be a .22 and it’s going through drywall. Just because I own an AR and that’s my go-to self defense weapon doesn’t mean I’m larping and delusional. It’s a personal choice, you want your shotgun for self defense and I want my AR. Enjoy your freedom of choice, but just because I own an AR doesn’t mean I’m more likely to shoot up a bunch of cops. I live alone so your argument to me is null and void about lighting up my make believe spouse. Fuck off and mind your own business when you don’t know what you’re talking about.


AlphaSlayer21 t1_ixcf6eq wrote

Oh how original, good luck beating a home intruder to death with your obviously massive shlong.


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixc7cl8 wrote

And this is why we still have so many murders and kids being shot in elementary schools....

Your mindset is what's wrong with America....

But have your gun. Clearly you value it more than children. 🤦


TheOkayestName t1_ixe2ezl wrote

“This is why” what’s why? Are you saying that the guns themselves are killing people?


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixeclwb wrote

No. Apparently there are enablers of violence. You are one of them. Congratulations on making society more dangerous


TheOkayestName t1_ixedupc wrote

I’m not in a gang or criminal network. How exactly am I making society “more dangerous”??


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixefe3x wrote

See. Small mind. Can't figure out was an enabler is....



TheOkayestName t1_ixeg1q4 wrote

Nice ad hominem you got there. You gonna answer my question or result to insults ?

How am I making society “more dangerous “?


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixekclh wrote

See. I can't help it you don't know what a enabler is. I've said it twice before and you still have the same question? You can't figure out how enabling one to own a gun for mass murders makes you a danger to society? Well than, that says enough about you....


TheOkayestName t1_ixfqp6y wrote

So OWNING a gun makes you a danger to society. Bro. Lmao.


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixfxqd7 wrote

Clearly you dont possess the skills to comprehend the English language. What a 🤡.


TheOkayestName t1_ixfydar wrote

I asked how I am making society more dangerous. You’re the clown who can’t answer that question.


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixgsq8s wrote

Wtf. Are you that dumb? Look up the definition what an enabler is. That's you. Now sit down.


TheOkayestName t1_ixh0vcd wrote

Alright fuckstick. How am I an enabler? You sound fun at parties.


BeerJunky t1_ixdqpiy wrote

Australia banned most guns and doesn’t have mass shootings much anymore outside of a couple of terrorist incidents in that last couple decades. US has like 5 A WEEK.


Sweaty_Conclusion_80 t1_ixes7uk wrote

Australia was also able to herd and bully its citizens around in 2020 in the name of Covid restrictions.


BeerJunky t1_ixesnz5 wrote

Omg the horror, they had so many fewer deaths.