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swampyankee22 t1_ixzvrv2 wrote

Uh oh, another honeypot for people who can't deal with ambiguity!

Remember folks, two things can be true at the same time:

  1. "Dragging" is phony police talk for "the cop grabbed the door handle when the guy started to flee." They always make it sound worse than it is!

  2. The suspect is (allegedly) an illegal drag racer who endangers the lives of all around him, and then tries to avoid accountability. He is the one in the wrong!

Internet echo chambers make people slaves of polarization. If you can interpret multiple angles, then congratulations! You are in the majority and you improve the quality of the body politic.


Darondo t1_iy0qu1m wrote

A shitty modded sedan nearly t-boned my fiancée and I as we were approaching an intersection with a solidly green light in Winsted last night. Fucker blew a red without even slowing down. Thank goodness were were vigilant enough to see it coming and slam the brakes. The douchebag he was racing came to a screeching halt as well.

Fuck people that race on public roads. Give them all harsh sentences. Anyone who does that is a selfish, garbage human, and it’s a matter of time til they murder someone.

Grateful the cops did something about this racer in the article.


slipperyrock4 t1_iy0cmwl wrote

Nuanced takes are illegal on the internet. Everything in life is objectively good or bad with nothing in between. Oh an there has to be a good guy and a bad guy in every story. It’s too confusing otherwise.


Tonydildos t1_iy1i0ur wrote

Not really sure what you’re trying to say here. Cops didn’t write this article. Someone from whio (literally never heard of this news group) did.

Street racing is bad and cops are too a lot of the time, but if someone grabs your door and you keep driving, cop or not, you’re probably not a good person.