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TreeEleben t1_ixj0c0r wrote

We will never see more nuclear plants. They need to be placed near water for cooling, and the rich who own property near water simply won't allow a plant to be built where they can see it and anti nuclear activists will protest violently against it. Same with new pipelines. Rich land owners and environmental activist organizations will stop any new construction.

Poor people in Connecticut aren't wanted or welcome here. The rich can afford to pay these insane rates so they don't care.


Money_Whisperer t1_ixl1ybh wrote

We truly live in strange times, where environmentalists, climate change activists, and big oil work together to fight against nuclear power. The latter takes advantage of the formers idealism and perfectionism to blunt progress. Nuclear is such an obvious choice when renewables are potentially a century or more away from being able to adequately serve our needs.