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slipperyrock4 t1_ixj2hu0 wrote

Life will be just fine. People won’t be able to see it though.

Solar and wind do not remove carbon dioxide from our atmosphere. The cheapest most proven method for that are just trees, plants, and other vegetation that then is not combusted.

Nuclear fission can serve as a stepping stone to increasing power storage and supply networks as well as reliability. If fusion is ever obtained then long term nuclear plants are viable. Otherwise, long term we will rely on the giant nuclear reactor 93 million miles away from us.


iwanttobehappy2022 t1_ixjx0jv wrote

I’m not against nuclear, we just need to use other renewables now to slow warming down, while doing that we develop and advance and build nuclear power plant’s more.

You are right reforestation, Algea, energy efficiency, energy use reduce are the fastest ways to drop it. We certainly won’t be fine nor will most of life.