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ImpecableCoward t1_ixj90qz wrote

The first point is useless. The more financial incentives the gov gives away, the higher the prices companies will charge. Effectively nullifying the incentive.


kesagatame-and-Chill t1_ixjbh19 wrote

Please provide any data that proves that. From what I have seen, it is the opposite.


Aaron351 t1_ixjv1iv wrote

Do you have data to share with your anecdote?


kesagatame-and-Chill t1_ixk25v5 wrote

I don’t think I need an article for common sense. Plus, you are the one making an argument that conflicts with basic economics.


Aaron351 t1_ixk4v12 wrote

I’m not making any argument, just find it funny the person demanding data to back a claim is providing counter argument in the form of an anecdote.