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iwanttobehappy2022 t1_ixjvp04 wrote

We don’t have enough time. We have to use solar and wind to drastically reduce emissions. Then we can be sustainable with nuclear. Nuclear takes to much money and time to go live. If we get nuclear going sooner but didn’t decrease emissions enough to stop temps from rising before hand we are fucked. the permafrost thaw and ocean will be releasing methane and greenhouse gasses at an amount and rate at which humans emissions makes zero difference. The planet will continue to warm and warm and we can’t stop that. We won’t survive that. Solar and wind etc are the quickest ways for us to drop emissions to drastically slow that down so that we can then have the time to go nuclear. So nuclear is the future but we need to do other renewables right now so we have the time to go nuclear. Nuclear is hella expensive and takes time to go live. We don’t have the time and money currently