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ijuanaspearfish t1_ixyld9z wrote

Get a lawyer, pay for said lawyer. Financial affidavits, assets, and what not. Lawyer will ask a few times throughout process of you still want divorce. If you have kids, dont tell them. Keep living your life.

Go to court. Get the divorce decree, and start living your single life.

I got a divorce 2yrs ago, my lawyer handled a lot for me. It was just reviewing and signing documents and waiting for a court date.

I was the husband, not sure that makes a difference. I got the house and kids, I gave her the car i bought for her and thats about it.

Didnt go for palimony because she was like you, a stay at home mom and as much pain and hurt she put me through, she hadn't worked in over 20yrs and im not a spiteful person. But she done fucked up....