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Screaming_brain t1_iybzhwc wrote

Whats the point of your post? If they were locked properly inside the vehicle, where does it say any of the owners are being punished?


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iyc1uue wrote

They aren't. That's the issue. This person allowed a illegal firearm to be on the streets and should be held accountable.

many people here are against banning guns due to the "illegal guns." They leave out little tidbits like this story (illegal guns come from Legal purchases).


Kolzig33189 t1_iyci6c7 wrote

Your previous post literally says “folks who leave their cars unlocked with keys in it.” And then another post you say this owner allowed his gun to be stolen, again, even though it was double locked up. So how was he allowing anything to be stolen?


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iycibai wrote

Someone posted "allow it to be stolen. What?" I am reminding that person of the many Cases of Cars being stolen due to cars being locked with keys in it.

You want to twist my words, go ahead.

Moving on....


Kolzig33189 t1_iyciiqo wrote

And that isn’t the case here BASED ON THE ARTICLE YOU PROVIDED. This dude didn’t allow anything to be stolen, the gun was double locked up in his car and some dirtbag broke into the locked car and then broke into the locked glovebox.

If you’re going to push a ridiculous narrative, best not to use an article that goes against what you’re trying to say. Using your exact quote is not twisting words.


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iyciyr7 wrote

Thanks for telling me something I already know?

The narrative of illegal guns comes from legal guns? This article goes against that?

Reading comprehension is not your strong point, huh?

Go get ready for school, kid. Let the grown-ups handle this....


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iycmnpw wrote

Like where you mentioned something about memory loss? Good try covering that one up by editing it lol....

Gtfo dude. Go get ready for school. Your making everyone dumber with each post you do here.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iycpjy7 wrote

And it was stolen anyway. The owner failed to keep it secure. Why is this controversial? Whatever steps the owners took were obviously and undeniably insufficient. Down votes mean what? The steps the owners took were sufficient?


KBL2066 t1_iycxzad wrote

So if someone breaks into my house then steals a knife and kills someone down the road with it, I guess I’m goin to jail according to op. It’s only fair 😂


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iyd4goj wrote

It's a scary and complicated world. It's the only thing that makes idiots feel in control.

They can't even go out to the gym without knowing they have a thing in their pocket that can kill a dozen people in twenty seconds, makes them feel safe and in control. Pussies.


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iydd59w wrote

Yeah, you don't need to send that reddit cares nonsense. Now I know it's you.

Clearly, you lack the intelligence to hide your gun in a secure place if a thief can break in and find it. So yeah, you should be punished.
