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beazneaz t1_ix6ixld wrote

There was a lot of weird this round


That_Guy381 t1_ix6w5i3 wrote

If you guys want evidence of how much Donald Trump has damaged trust in our democracy, look right at this comment


beazneaz t1_ixdotxd wrote

So basically, democracy is at work so don’t ask questions…. Seems legit.


beazneaz t1_ixaa1zv wrote

Lol this CT subreddit is a joke. AZ just took a week to count there votes and 100% of independent voters voted for Hobbs, the one in charge of elections. You would rather “smash” the other side into submission then show genuine concern for the democratic process. Hypocrites are the worst.


That_Guy381 t1_ixact6v wrote

The rules in Arizona were put in by republicans.

>100% of independent voters voted for Hobbs


In any event, thanks for proving my point.


beazneaz t1_ixcj0mr wrote

Fetterman gets over 80% in the Philly district and you have ZERO questions. He can’t talk. Also a dead guy won. ZERO questions.


That_Guy381 t1_ixcr9uj wrote

I love how you move the goalposts, but in an effort to try to help you through your confusion, I’ll engage.

As for Fetterman, why would I have questions about a Democrat winning 80% of the vote in black majority city? Democrats have won philly overwhelmingly in every single election for decades.

Obama won 85% of the vote in Philadelphia, and over 99% in some wards.

Biden got 81%. Why is Fetterman winning 80% in any way shocking to you, considering this is how it has always been?

The dead guy? He ran essentially unopposed, only by a green party candidate. At best, the voters knew that he was dead and thought that it was better to have a special election than vote in a green party candidate. At worst, they didn’t know, and voted in a dead guy. In any event, this doesn’t at all point to any fraudulent voting.

So my assumption here is now that you’ve had 4 talking points debunked, you’re not going to respond to this comment. Hopefully it gets you to change your view, but I’m not counting on it.


beazneaz t1_ixdfzuw wrote

You’ll have to explain what goalposts I moved. I’m somewhat surprised you ventured so far to equate Obama or even Biden to Fetterman. You avoided my original reply about AZ since you are keeping score. Perhaps this can be a discussion without hostility? I think no matter where you fall on the political spectrum we can agree that the is a top-down, divide and conquer tactic at play. Our modes of information are weaponized against us. No one wins if we’re at each other’s throats.


That_Guy381 t1_ixewmd0 wrote

They’re both democrats - why wouldn’t I equate them? Haven’t you guys been calling Biden brain dead for the better part of 3 years? Why would Fetterman be any different?

I didn’t avoid your “questions” about Arizona. I answered one, and asked for a source on your other claim, which you failed to provide, hence moving the goal posts.

I guess I answered your questions about the dead guy, however, so that’s nice.

I’d love to have a discussion without hostility, but we have to exist in the same reality. Facts are facts, no matter your feelings, right?

Do you seriously think that Hobbs got 100% of the independents, and everyone’s ignoring that?

Why do you have questions about Fetterman, a democrat, winning 80% of the vote in Philadelphia, a city overwhelmingly won by Democrats, year after year, especially against a carpetbagging, anti abortion, snake oil doctor from Jersey?

You have literally zero evidence for you claims other than “feels”.


beazneaz t1_ixf4v2o wrote

I did provide a link about AZ, now if that post didn’t show up to you then that’s a different matter all together. Wouldn’t be the first time on Reddit. It’s true that we don’t exist in the same reality. Consider me like a Democrat from the early 2000s. I hate everything the Bush family represented. The D party, however, is unrecognizable today. As a matter of fact it’s just one big party in DC with some sort of overlords pulling the strings.


That_Guy381 t1_ixf5jcr wrote

The comment with your link to AZ didn’t show up, no. Do you mind DM’ing it to me?

Whether or not the D party unrecognizable has no bearing on our democracy.