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That_Guy381 t1_ixewmd0 wrote

They’re both democrats - why wouldn’t I equate them? Haven’t you guys been calling Biden brain dead for the better part of 3 years? Why would Fetterman be any different?

I didn’t avoid your “questions” about Arizona. I answered one, and asked for a source on your other claim, which you failed to provide, hence moving the goal posts.

I guess I answered your questions about the dead guy, however, so that’s nice.

I’d love to have a discussion without hostility, but we have to exist in the same reality. Facts are facts, no matter your feelings, right?

Do you seriously think that Hobbs got 100% of the independents, and everyone’s ignoring that?

Why do you have questions about Fetterman, a democrat, winning 80% of the vote in Philadelphia, a city overwhelmingly won by Democrats, year after year, especially against a carpetbagging, anti abortion, snake oil doctor from Jersey?

You have literally zero evidence for you claims other than “feels”.


beazneaz t1_ixf4v2o wrote

I did provide a link about AZ, now if that post didn’t show up to you then that’s a different matter all together. Wouldn’t be the first time on Reddit. It’s true that we don’t exist in the same reality. Consider me like a Democrat from the early 2000s. I hate everything the Bush family represented. The D party, however, is unrecognizable today. As a matter of fact it’s just one big party in DC with some sort of overlords pulling the strings.


That_Guy381 t1_ixf5jcr wrote

The comment with your link to AZ didn’t show up, no. Do you mind DM’ing it to me?

Whether or not the D party unrecognizable has no bearing on our democracy.