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Darondo t1_iy5btji wrote

Same dates and emails for me except I also had an “oops there’s a problem email” on the 22nd. I immediately called constellation and then Eversource and they both played dumb. I called back constellation and had them submit it again.

I hoping the “how was your customer experience” email is a confirmation that I’m all set? On hold with constellation now to confirm.

Edit: The “how was your customer experience” email is not a confirmation. In fact, my application hasn’t even been resubmitted yet.


1234nameuser t1_iy5n7hz wrote

Ah, sorry to hear that and no surprise. I'm used to this being a quick process when living elsewhere, but seems like this is a multi-billing cycle thing with the logjam of requests / delays.

Should all be tied back to the contract at date of request / signature, but needless to say there are no guarantees in life.