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DarthLysergis t1_ix6kt1u wrote

A guy up the road from me has a helicopter pad and a private pilot, pop in and ask him if you can borrow it.


not about the helicopter pad though, and the helicopter


mustelidblues t1_ix94w5r wrote

oh, you must be in warren.


DarthLysergis t1_ix95c6i wrote

Indeedily doo, howdy neighbor


mustelidblues t1_ix95gs2 wrote

hidey ho 👋


DarthLysergis t1_ix96xge wrote

Honesly it never bothered me though. I live relatively close, but not a neighbor of them. So i cannot speak for them. But they did restrict how they can fly in, what path they can use and also they use some sort of quiet mode that really cuts back on noise.

We have a lot of flyovers in this area. A fair amount of military craft pass over pretty low a few times a year and that is far more noticeable. I would say they only fly in or out on the helicopter five or six times a year that i actually notice.


mustelidblues t1_ix97ut0 wrote

i used to live on above all and can say that neighbor's flight path was fairly annoying, even after they had to alter it after complaints. there were times they came down over our house really low. is it the worst thing in the world as a neighbor? no. but it sure is an excessive show of wealth, and disrupts a girl's early morning forest wake and bake.

personally, i'd be more likely to complain to them about keeping their chickens out of the road, though.

edited to add: they come to Warren every Friday evening, and leave Monday morning. so you must be enough away that you just don't hear often! occasionally there are midweek visits, too.


DarthLysergis t1_ix992ap wrote

Wow. Yeah. I'm glad I prefaced that with, I can't speak for the neighbors. Sorry to hear it's worse than I knew.

And I totally forgot about the damn chickens. I don't often go up the hairpin turn any more but yeah, pretty much anytime I have those chickens were in the road.

I sometimes go hiking in the stone preserve. My grandfather also has a plot named for him up there which is more of an open field as far as I know. I never went out and looked for a trail.


mustelidblues t1_ix9auau wrote

the chickens are just an unnecessary risk that i don't understand, they're always in the road and that hairpin turn is a magnet for insane drivers.

there are quite a few fields and meadows down that road. one is part of a preserve that connects to some trails, and an old farm road; the others are on private property... there's a great overlook of waramaug from a point at the end of the road, through some fields. some cool four wheeler trails too. LOTS to see and explore in those woods. there's even caves!

my ex roommate's family is the strong family, that dedicated the preserve at the chimney.


DarthLysergis t1_ix9ce4m wrote

My mother was a Tanner. Willis was the town selectman for a long time.