Submitted by mikemikemikeandike t3_z18njv in Connecticut

Switched over to Constellation today and used coupon code esaves5 to bring the rate down to 13.10 cents/kWh. Also confirmed with a Constellation rep over the phone that there are absolutely no early cancellation fees or any other additional fees for that matter.

That is all. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Edit: For anyone who has questions regarding the proposed rate increases, here you go:

Edit 2: Just looked at my contract again. There’s no early termination fee. I believe it’s both CT and IL that have that rule

Edit 3: For those asking about the cancellation fee, this is taken right from Constellation’s website (last couple of sentences):

† 90-Day Guarantee Period. You may terminate this Contract without incurring an early termination fee during the 90 days following your enrollment date (the Guarantee Period) by notifying us in writing or by calling our customer care center at 1-855-465-1244. Upon your termination during the Guarantee Period we will return you to being supplied by the Utility at your next available meter read date, or if you are a customer in the Atlanta Gas Light area your service will continue with Constellation until you complete a switch to your selected marketer, and you will remain responsible for payment for any energy related costs and charges incurred under this Contract through such meter read or termination date. Not applicable in Texas. Not applicable in Connecticut or Illinois where residential customers are never charged an early termination fee.

Edit 4: Since there seems to be some skepticism from a few people in this thread, I’d like to add that I called Constellation earlier today and spoke to a live rep. I specifically asked them if there were any additional fees that weren’t being shown, and they assured me that the 13.10 supply rate is what I’d be billed and locked in for for the next three years. If the skepticism remains, I’d be more than happy to call them back tomorrow and ask additional questions on behalf of others in this thread.

Edit 5: Just got off the phone with a Constellation rep for the second time. They confirmed that there are absolutely no other fees on top of the 13.79 ¢/kWh they’re offering and that there are no early termination fees for CT residents. And yes, that rate is guaranteed for three years.



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kesagatame-and-Chill t1_ix9kuzg wrote

Yeah, I did it Sunday with the help of this sub.


[deleted] t1_ixanqkp wrote



DiabolicalGooseHonk t1_ixavgxm wrote

But it says CT and IL are exceptions where residents “are never charged an early termination fee”


mikemikemikeandike OP t1_ixb1x9y wrote

Straight from Constellation’s website:

† 90-Day Guarantee Period. You may terminate this Contract without incurring an early termination fee during the 90 days following your enrollment date (the Guarantee Period) by notifying us in writing or by calling our customer care center at 1-855-465-1244. Upon your termination during the Guarantee Period we will return you to being supplied by the Utility at your next available meter read date, or if you are a customer in the Atlanta Gas Light area your service will continue with Constellation until you complete a switch to your selected marketer, and you will remain responsible for payment for any energy related costs and charges incurred under this Contract through such meter read or termination date. Not applicable in Texas. Not applicable in Connecticut or Illinois where residential customers are never charged an early termination fee.


Travisx t1_ixcnl13 wrote

Why the down votes. they are just clarifying the law, not Constellations policy. I'd add that most people will save over $100 (max legal early term fee) in less than 2 months. So still a good deal if the rates crash in June.


watershoejoe t1_ixagxau wrote

Blumenthal should be far less worried about Taylor Swift / Ticket Master issues and be doing everything in his power to protect all CT residents, but here we are.


Squints753 t1_ixcihoy wrote

He's in the federal government. You want him to push a federal law to protect just CT?


watershoejoe t1_ixconz5 wrote

Not what I said. I'd like him to be less concerned with getting in front of cameras and on Twitter talking about Taylor Swift/ Ticket Master and spend more time working towards and talking about issues that impact most residents of our state. IMHO, it's a bad look spending time talking about concert sales gone wrong when the electric companies are going to be impacting thousands of people with a massive rate hike.

I know where he works and who he works for. Some of those people are on fixed incomes and are going to suffer. Yet he seems unconcerned as do our other local, state and federal representatives.


PallasWallas t1_ixatel4 wrote

That’s why I didn’t vote for him.


teknic111 t1_ixb2wyg wrote

Right? The guy hasn’t done anything to lower utility bills all his years in office. Do you really think he’s going to start now?


EvidentlyEmpirical t1_ixce6do wrote

Blumenthal is one of our US senators. He represents our state in the US Senate. He doesn't have any power over state policy because he's not part of the state government.

How do you people not know this? Did you not pay attention in civics classes?


PallasWallas t1_iyaxw0x wrote

Blumenthal is a public figure. He can say something. You’re probably ok with the fact he lied about his service in Vietnam. You’re the type of CT liberal who either lives in Florida now, or will move in the next five years


ijuanaspearfish t1_ix9me0c wrote

How long are your locked in with them?

I may switch this week


mikemikemikeandike OP t1_ix9ofho wrote

3 years, but no early termination fee


HRzNightmare t1_ixc2ah3 wrote

Can confirm. I was reluctant to lock in for three years when I signed up last December, until I got it in writing that there was no fee to cancel early. I'm cruising along at 8.9 cents per kWh until December 2024.


lizzy-tish t1_ixctgal wrote

That was my rate for the past few years, until it ended this Sept. I was unable to get a good rate after that ended so went back to Eversource at 12.05. Just signed with Constellation at 13.79 a few days ago and can confirm no cancellation or enrollment fee, 3 year lock in. More than I’ve ever paid and I’ve been choosing my supplier since they were deregulated years ago.


elainehas t1_ix9ug4e wrote

No early termination within 90 day, correct? per their website

† 90-Day Guarantee Period. You may terminate this Contract without incurring an early termination fee during the 90 days following your enrollment date (the Guarantee Period) by notifying us in writing or by calling our customer care center at 1-855-465-1244. Upon your termination during the Guarantee Period we will return you to being supplied by the Utility at your next available meter read date


SpittingLlama t1_ix9xmad wrote

At the end of the 90-Day terms “… Not applicable in Connecticut or Illinois where residential customers are never charged an early termination fee.”


she_she t1_ixa4er6 wrote

I still have yet to see the “except CT and Illinois.”Was that on the contract you signed. Couldn’t see it on the website.


-BruinsBabe- t1_ixa7icx wrote

It’s a law in CT as of July 2021, I believe. You can’t be charged early termination fees.


osrs_kwanoo t1_ixa0ykf wrote

Does anyone know how switching to Constellation would affect solar costumers? I still buy electricity from eversource, but only whatever isn’t produced by my panels


rubyslippers3x t1_ixam61e wrote

For my new solar contract I will only use Eversource because anything I over produce goes to them, and they give me credit for an even .. no rates apply. Until my panels go live, I'm with Constellation


Darondo t1_ixayj5f wrote

New contracts aren’t kw=kw like they were last year. You sell your monthly excess kw at the billing rate and bank that monetary credit.

Similar, but notably different, since in winter when you are using more than you generate, you are buying electricity at a higher rate than you sold your excess for in the summer. Bastards.


StankyDudeHoleDandy t1_ixaze3n wrote

And thats why whole home battery backups are worth their weight in gold. Store and then use, even when the grid goes down. I wish there was more education around about the importance of powerwalls and the like combined with solar.


Darondo t1_ixazm4m wrote

I could not convince myself that a battery made any economic sense for me. It would never pay for itself. The seasonal rate differences are negligible compared to the upfront battery cost. Am I missing something?

Granted, I live in an area with a very stable grid. I’ll probably end up with an EV that can serve as a house backup at some point anyways. The F-150 can already do that I bet other manufacturers will adopt that in the next few years.

Edit: In states with shitty net metering, batteries are essential imo. But CT is still really close to 1:1 net metering.


StankyDudeHoleDandy t1_ixb0pdq wrote

Yea for so it doesn't make sence but for others it extremely useful. Such as using your solar durring an outage, choosing to toggle between when you charge your battery and when you use the grid durring off-peak hours. Its the closest thing to "off-grid" that you can get. They keep saying that the F150 can but have yet to prove they have the tech to do so, I am extremely hopeful for this though.


RoboticGreg t1_ixcutxi wrote

As electric vehicles penetrate deeper, I predict electricity will get more and more expensive from 3pm to 10pm to account for everyone plugging their cars in when they get home from work. I think batteries might not make economic sense now, but peak shaving is going to be a more and more important thing to take into consideration. The cannabis legalization in CT will also impact this (It's crazy, marijuana legalization is changing how some major suppliers design power grid equipment and transformers)


Darondo t1_ixcvkg2 wrote

That’s fascinating. I hadn’t considered the energy impacts from a changing agriculture industry.

Eversource already has a $200 yearly incentive to encourage charging your EV in off-peak hours. “Off-peak” really only excludes some daytime hours during the hottest days of the year at the moment, but like you said, I’m sure it will become increasingly restrictive.


lizzy-tish t1_ixcsxvr wrote

Can you tell me more about a while home battery backup? Is it a solar powered storage and who would install it, where would I purchase? Thanks!


StankyDudeHoleDandy t1_ixcx959 wrote

Yes the battery is charged by solar, however it can also be fed by the grind if you wanted to for some random reason. The DC power runs to the inverter from your panels than once converted to AC power it charges the battery. You can monitor the power draw of your house and the amount of solar energy collected through an App on your phone or computer. Companies like Tesla have solar and batterie packages for sale on their website, but I know the solar company SunRun also sells and installs Teslas Power Walls with their own solar arrays.


rubyslippers3x t1_ixe2y3n wrote

Not true. Our contract with ConEd is Kw=Kw. We bank Kw credits with Eversource to use as needed. If we bank more than we use at the end of the year, then we will be paid a miniscule amount like $.04/kw.


Darondo t1_ixe59rv wrote

Okay, so you signed your contract in 2021 then. I assumed it was this year since your system isn’t live yet.

I’m also assuming you own the panels. I don’t know how lease structures work.

With the 2022 net-metering structure, you bank your excess generation as monetary credits like I described, and tap into those funds in the winter when you are under-producing. Additionally, you receive $0.0318 for every kW you generate. You can only cash out remaining monetary credits when you move, but you are paid out the per kW earnings on a quarterly basis.


rubyslippers3x t1_ixeci0s wrote

No. I signed up this year for installation next year. We are not banking monetary credits. It's kw hour even exchange. Any kw we need in excess of what we bank will be at Eversource current rates. We sized our system to accommodate heat pumps and 2 electric cars... that we don't have yet... because that is allowed. We used 14k kwh last year and we sized our system at 19k kw, so we don't anticipate any need to buy. Yes, this is a purchase. Leasing is a horrible idea.


Darondo t1_ixedls7 wrote

Okay, guess you got some sort of deal that’s unique from every other CT resident that got solar this year. That’s cool.


rubyslippers3x t1_ixeqxrg wrote

Netting incentive from the link you shared:

"Power produced by your system, but not consumed within the month, is "netted" at the same rate you pay Eversource for electricity

Current incentive rate The netting incentive rate is the current retail rate + a quarterly Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) payment of $0.0318 per kWh. This rate is set by the state and remains the same for 20 years."

If I didn't explain it this way, then I apologize. I'm not special. My excess is credited at the same rate being offered, so kw sent= kw purchased. If I need more than I send them I have to buy at the current rate.


Darondo t1_ixdhvz2 wrote

I just talked to my installer. The impact of switching for solar customers is no different from that for non solar customers. You just sell excess generation at your new billing cost with Constellation, and you buy excess usage at the Constellation rate.

Makes more sense to lock in a long term rate if you have solar so that prices don’t go up in the winter when your generation is lowest.


osrs_kwanoo t1_ixdloo6 wrote

Thanks for the update! I think I’ll go ahead and contact them soon, really appreciate it!


Darondo t1_ixayrda wrote

I’m going to ask my installer about this tomorrow. I’d be very surprised if you had to keep Eversource as your supplier with solar. You bank excess generation at the wholesale rate anyways, not at the supplier rate.


MBAlliance2011 t1_ix9u9yy wrote

If I do this so I still pay my bill through Eversource or through Constellation?


eddie964 t1_ix9zb73 wrote

It still goes through Eversource. They are still your electric utility and run the electric grid that brings it to you; you are just choosing another generation supplier. The new supplier and rate will show on your Eversource bill.


benkovian t1_ixaxrb4 wrote

Do uou still pay eversource delivery fees then?


nerdist333 t1_ixb2vyi wrote

Yes as they're the ones who own the wires serving your residence. You just get cheaper supply rates (the left hand side of page 1 of the electric bill).


OA5599_CO t1_ixa928i wrote

You have always been able to choose your supplier, 13 cents is higher than the Eversource rate right now. After December 31st it will be a great deal.


lizzy-tish t1_ixctw9p wrote

Yes, true, but it was deregulated years ago and I’ve been choosing my supplier for what seems like 10 years now and saved a bundle. Most of my friends didn’t want to bother, but I use a lot of electricity so it has been worth the time to review the plan every 6 months and change suppliers when necessary.


beacon20a t1_ixaf4fs wrote

In the event of a power outage, is it still Eversource who handles the customer service/line repair?


Defelj t1_ix9qa1p wrote

So to be clear it’s 3 years at that locked rate? Are delivery fees less than ES?


gregra193 t1_ix9qmib wrote

It’s the same delivery fee, but come January 1st, you’ll be saving 50% on supply if you switch.


Electronic_Frosting2 t1_ixamf82 wrote

It’s only generation charges that can be changed. Transmission and distribution charges cannot be changed, unless you go Solar. Just did and switched to electric heat 🤌


auditorygraffiti t1_ixa9vue wrote

How do you switch? I have no clue how to do it and don’t have the bandwidth to both research how to switch and what my options are.


Time-Orchid82 t1_ixalqvl wrote

It's all on the energizect website, and it's really easy. You'll likely need your last month's bill to provide the account number, etc.


cjinct t1_ixashik wrote

Fuck me I missed the coupon code :(

But thanks for the info, I just switched us over.

I used to do that more often, usually there was a deal thru the citizen oil co-op but then EV actually started being cheaper so we went back and stayed.

Now, however, I'm happy to switch away again and see where it takes us. I texted my nieces too, so they can jump on it

Thanks again for the heads up!


lizzy-tish t1_ixcu251 wrote

Where did you get the coupon code? I signed up with Constellation a few days ago and have a fixed rate of 13.79 for 3 years.


cjinct t1_ixcuq19 wrote

First line of the original post


krugo t1_ixdqp0y wrote

I signed up a couple days ago and live chatted them to get down to the 13.1 rate. They effectively cancelled my original online app and re-signed me up over the chat w/ ESAVES5 code.

If you do this, let me know - there's also a referral code that gets both you and the refer'er a $50 gift card (stacks with the lower rate). PM me if you'd like that though, since I think it's against sub rules to publicly post that.


rwilcox t1_ixacxhn wrote

Ok, but where’s the scam?

Obviously in providing a cheaper service they’re looking to make it up on the backside, or offering a less reliable or less longevity service, or are trying to take out the market leader or IDK sign me up for an ad network, to lock me into a higher rate at a later date, or me to somehow “be” the product.

Soooooooooooo…. Which is it? Why aren’t they just charging what Eversource is charging and pocketing the rest for profit (“oh this darn inflation!”)


mikemikemikeandike OP t1_ixadxfp wrote

I would imagine your rate skyrockets upon renewal (assuming you forget about the expiration date of the original contract). Suppliers that aren’t Eversource are typically more expensive, so this is one of the rare times where that’s not the case.


mdfromct t1_ixed92l wrote

The expiration date is on the Eversource bill. If you look at your bill you’ll see it’s Eversource right now, and how much you’re paying per kilowatt hour. It will also say that rate expires in the December meter reading. It’s so easy to keep track of with the information on the bill.

They also include the rate info and contact info for other suppliers.

My concern is they’ll raise the delivery fees with supplier costs down for consumers


mdfromct t1_ixec2uc wrote

No scam at all.

On the bill from Eversource, it tells you who your provider is, how much you’re paying per kilowatt hour, and it will tell you the month and year of the last meter reading with the provider.

They make it very easy.

Don’t forget, you can change electric providers at any time with no early cancellation fee. All you have to is call Eversource and they’ll switch you back within 72 hours.,

If you find a better rate with another company, just sign up with them and it switches automatically in about a month.

There’s no downside.


rwilcox t1_ixeeual wrote


mdfromct t1_ixejixb wrote

Your analysis may be correct. However I believe the scam is coming from eversource.

They’re doubling our supply rates 5 weeks before the fact just as a recession is underway. Think how much higher the delivery fee is going to be!

This is so their CEO and shareholders can increase their profits. This is BS!

So what do they do? They say we can offer help financially for the huge bills we send you. Give us all your financial information. W2’s, savings accounts, checking accounts, retirement accounts, housing costs and all assets you own. “We want to know everything!” Hmmm

People were having trouble paying for electricity BEFORE the increase of DOUBLE the rates! I guess enough of the CT population didn’t apply for assistance? WT everlasting F????

That’s the scam. Your information is just more complicated but certainly not irrelevant


rwilcox t1_ixelxe1 wrote

> This is so their CEO and shareholders can increase their profits. This is BS!

You do know the system is working as designed, right?


enigma7x t1_ixdwxjw wrote

They are a company that serves a broader population. They supply energy in a wider region than eversource. Maybe they are getting enough profit elsewhere to undercut eversource in this region to gain new customers who will be lazy and not change their supplier after three years are up and they jack the rate.


coolducklingcool t1_ixaemcp wrote

🤷🏻‍♀️ To be competitive and steal everSource’s customers? Successfully, lol


rwilcox t1_ixaixsv wrote

If that’s all they’re doing then they are playing capitalism wrong and it’s likely an SEC violation. Or your’re the sucker at the table. LOL.


mikemikemikeandike OP t1_ixaq1pm wrote

Is it entirely possible your skepticism is misguided? Many of us here have chosen to switch to Constellation already. There is nothing in the contract that looks remotely close to a scam.


rwilcox t1_ixat68j wrote

It may be misguided. But there certainly is a scam.


mikemikemikeandike OP t1_ixat9jg wrote

So show everyone here the proof. The onus is on you.


CT518 t1_ixb2x37 wrote

Almost certainly they are making money by trading/selling Renewable Energy Certificates. But that doesn’t effect you the end customer.


rwilcox t1_ixaxnx0 wrote

For Constellation their scam seems to be growth of consumer demand that leads to them cornering a bunch of energy output from nuke plans coming online between now and 2040 (when a bunch of their licenses expire). And perhaps pivoting that growth into alternative energy sources (hydrogen?) when those plans come online. So the grow and monopolize play/scam.

This, coupled with money from the government from the Inflation Reduction Act (good scam, having the government pay for your growth) is likely their short term play. Their market fundamentals seem a bit shakey (they're giving dividends, even though they are small ones, WTF)... and who knows what their customer support story is, etc etc

Of course there's the ever present raise rates after the contract renewal scam.

I would love to see their distributed energy play ala solar, better use of capital in general which is likely to bite them, and I personally believe the future is distributed vs centralized and that's likely to get them over the next 3-30 years. I dislike not knowing their short term plan: how are they going to drive growth in Q1 2023... but global gas/oil energy markets may make that very easy to be nuke heavy (sit back, relax while people come to you).

But it's also not a reduction of bills - I'll probably pay a little bit more than I'm currently paying, but it will avoid me paying more when Eversource hikes its rates EOY. So it won't leave me money left over in my budget, but it will avoid (a majority of) a bill increase.

That's just from 15 minutes of analysis. It sounds like maybe a reasonable play, or a stopgap this winter until I can dump them (thanks no cancellation fee CT??!) for my own solar install????



tealuffer t1_ixa1n2b wrote

We qualify for some kind of financial aid with Eversource although I am not certain exactly what. Since this doesn't effect billing, I should still qualify for the Eversource payment plans and financial aid, right?


coolducklingcool t1_ixaei6d wrote

EverSource would still be your delivery service provider 🤷🏻‍♀️


McGuetta t1_ixaaeie wrote

To be clear here too, you’re not away from Eversource. Your supply is not Eversource, but delivery (and Eversource’s insane fees) are still there.


mikemikemikeandike OP t1_ixaagg2 wrote

I know


fprintf t1_ixcb47p wrote

But you will see from all these responses that most people really don't know that delivery and supply are separate. So while you know, clearly most Eversource customers don't know and indeed your thread title says nothing about switching suppliers.


AdHistorical7107 t1_ixabltv wrote

Shit I may just go to renewable energy. 4c more than constellationnbut 5c less than eversource...


krispzz t1_ixamnko wrote

locking in for long time is good sense. not only can you cancel early, but with the global unrest prices may continue to increase before they decrease. i locked in back in febuary for 2 years at 10 cents. Same company offers the same deal today for 16. Take the 13 cent offer now and hopefully it lasts until prices are back down.


shannerd727 t1_ixaqc5q wrote

I’m nervous that they will be worse and then I’m locked into 3 years.


Zealousideal-Move-25 t1_ixasr3c wrote

Is there any delay in service? Also do I need to cancel with eversource or is that taking care of during switch online? Thanks


Personal-Ad-7407 t1_ixceq5u wrote

There is no delay, the billing will all be done by Eversource, and it just switches in their system.

No need to do anything other than sign up, it just switches itself over.

I’ve been on Eversource for Supply for the last few years, but used to be on a few other suppliers over the years and it has always been this easy to switch suppliers.


greytcatch t1_ixaxwxh wrote

Did anyone switch to Constellation and get a confirmation email? I didn't get anything after submitting the application but was kind of expecting to, so I'm hoping it's not just me...


mikemikemikeandike OP t1_ixay6ug wrote

I received an email a half hour after I submitted my information letting me know that my request to switch to Constellation has been sent to Eversource.


greytcatch t1_ixaygqf wrote

Thanks! I'll keep an eye out. And thanks for this post. (Plus, thanks from my parents, who I shared this with too!)


IsThatYourBed t1_ixcr5uv wrote

I know this is 11 hours late, but my confirmation email went to the spam folder so don't forget to check there


cjinct t1_ixcxamm wrote

> Did anyone switch to Constellation and get a confirmation email?

I didn't. Nothing in my junk folder. Even logged into my hosting co to check my email there, since sometimes they catch and hold it there, but nothing



mdfromct t1_ixeawhs wrote

I didn’t. They told me it could take up to three business days.

I attempted to join again online and it said I’m already a customer, so now just waiting for the email confirmation. They’re swamped!!!!


fprintf t1_ixcbhk0 wrote

As most are learning, this is to switch to a different energy supplier only, it will not change who delivers electricity to your house. You will still pay Eversource or UI on your normal monthly electric bill.

Constellation is currently by far the best offer out there with no application or early termination fees. You can see all of the other suppliers out there by going to the following website for Eversource (there is another similar one for UI):

This is for residential Eversource rates. To get UI or other types of rates you go to the left hand side of the page I linked and choose a different supplier rate.


keepitupxxx t1_ixa1biy wrote

Is this worth it Like how does this force Eversource to act better and not be price gouging They still get the money and something tells me🤔 that in long run it will become more expensive


-BruinsBabe- t1_ixa8imq wrote

Eversource doesn’t keep the money on the supply side. They purchase electricity on your behalf for whatever the market rate is. They lock the price in for 6 months and whatever you use is x that rate. You pay your bill and Eversource turns around and gives that money to whatever company produced that energy.

If you change your supplier, Eversource still collects the money, but it just passes through them and goes to the company who actually produced that energy.

It won’t affect Eversource if everyone stopped using them as a supplier since they do not produce energy. You shouldn’t just lock in a price for 3 years and not check it again. Every 6 months, the rate changes. So, Eversource could be cheaper in June again. But, you run the risk that in January 2024, it will go up higher, and you’ve now gotten out of a better, overall long-term price, with an alternative supplier.


mikemikemikeandike OP t1_ixa3p8b wrote

I doubt it will do anything to Eversource’s pseudo-monopoly on the market. This is simply a way for customers to get ahead of the massive supply rate increase.


keepitupxxx t1_ixex2kh wrote

Will take a look then But not interested in any help for Eversource They are going to make us all go broke this winter


TheDailyBeast93 t1_ixa1ilm wrote

What’s the deadline to switch?


burnout524 t1_ixa4wd3 wrote

No deadline…you can switch suppliers at anytime. However, I’d act fast since I think suppliers can change their offerings at anytime. With so many people jumping on board with Constellation, I’d be surprised if they continue offering this deal for much longer.


Aviendha00 t1_ixaakit wrote

So if I switch to constellation who will be providing customer service? Will it still be Eversource?


ajamuso t1_ixagsk6 wrote

This is very legal and very cool. I just switched over! Took about 30 min but I’m set for rate hikes now. Thanks dude!


miketatro43 t1_ixauy56 wrote

Got a feeling within 90 days they will be bankrupt …. And we will start this over again …


mikemikemikeandike OP t1_ixaw4n9 wrote

Why do you say that? They serve a good 15 states including CT.


miketatro43 t1_ixbn4pg wrote

Oh good … 14 other states can subsidize our cheap rate lol

I just look at like Eversource “standard” is 24 cents … where do they get power for half off?

I can just imagine how bad it is for the environment lol


MrDrMrs t1_ixb13hy wrote

How does this work? Ui in my case, sure we’re all (except TX) connected to the national grid but it looks like all our power is generated in the region anyways. So how can constellation have such competitive rates when UI and eversource are screaming and citing inflation and lack of fuel supply? All of our power comes from the same place anyways, right? Is the difference just lining the utility co. boards’ pockets?

In the past it hasn’t made sense for me to switch to some other “supplier” but with Jan 1 rates looming, I don’t see any reason not to…

Thanks for sharing OP, your post caught my eye where the others for some reason made me just glance over it in misery.


Chilllmatic t1_ixbdovc wrote

Do they offer a fixed payment plan like Eversource does?


Personal-Ad-7407 t1_ixcf98h wrote

Your payment plan will not change. I’m on a even payment plan as well and I have had different suppliers in the past.

All billing is taken care of by Eversource and your payments will not change.


blade-runner9 t1_ixcsk09 wrote

Give it time when more people add solar and others that don’t add solar switch on the supply side, eversource will just increase the delivery costs. Eventually we will go back to living like cavemen.


ctguy54 t1_ixcw2nc wrote

I switched yesterday. Just saw this. They (constellation) are using the code “rockstar” now in CT. It’s a bit confusing, the plan on their webpage shows 13,79 cents per kwhr. But the code doesn’t have any discount with it.


krugo t1_ixi2uey wrote

What does that code get you?


ctguy54 t1_ixj59d4 wrote

I called after, the person on the phone said “it’s 13.79 cents per kwhr”. Told her that’s the price of the offer. She then said, “guess it doesn’t matter.” I’m still ok with that rate.


krugo t1_ixjbo8n wrote

You should definitely chat them back and ask for esaves5. Got 13.10


ctguy54 t1_ixjzqzl wrote

Told them that. Actually texted them right after I saw your post. After 20 minutes, they said that the code wasn’t available and asked where/when I got it. Interesting. Going to wait until I get the paper work for the contract and call then to try.


krugo t1_ixk3h86 wrote

Got ya. Don't forget to get a referral code too. Happy to provide one via PM - $50 gift card for both of us


asylumattic t1_ixdfvb3 wrote

Thanks for this information! And the discount code. Just signed up with Constellation via their website; super easy.


enigma7x t1_ixdweyt wrote

Even if constellation does something fishy, it is illegal in CT for them to penalize you for swapping to a different supplier if they give you reason to. The rate lock is purely there for your own protection of the rate. It isn't a binding contract to stay with them for however many months you have it.


ImpressiveElephant35 t1_ixep8qm wrote

Just to confirm, this is supply only, correct? Transmission rates are still the same?


mikemikemikeandike OP t1_ixepihx wrote

Correct. Eversource and UI are the utility providers for CT, so they’ll still be the ones delivery the electricity depending on where you live.


apothecarynow t1_ixqxsxi wrote

Did anyone else get this email? My family member and I got it...

We are happy you selected Constellation as your energy supplier and we've already notified your local utility that you have enrolled with us. They have advised us that they can't make the switch because there is an error or a question in our records.

Not to worry! It could be something as simple as a wrong address or incorrect spelling of your name.

If you call us right away at 855-465-1244, we can make the adjustment and get you on your way to becoming a Constellation


jackandjerry t1_iy3m16z wrote

Just came here to ask as I just got this email. I’m 31 in line on the phone waiting for a callback. Did you have any follow up?


apothecarynow t1_iy4vat0 wrote

No idea. I forgot to call this morning let me know if you hear anything


jackandjerry t1_iy5n4ap wrote

They told me Eversource rejected the rate. So constellation put it through again and said a number of people got that email and they are looking into it. I had a confirmation # with the 13.1 rate and she said that would go through.


apothecarynow t1_iy5uyuq wrote

Ok so all good with that rate then??

A lot of people panicking on another tread saying they would not honor the 13.1 and re-enrolled at 15.7. I say on hold for 25 minutes and gave up. Will have to call tomorrow. I logged on to my constellation account and everything looks fine with a start date for service on 12/7


jackandjerry t1_iy61jtk wrote

They told me they would honor 13.1 I had in my confirmation