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NLCmanure t1_iwip178 wrote

I love the smell of a real fresh tree.


RangerRick379 t1_iwjwnfr wrote

A real fresh dead tree that’s quickly growing mold


Chaos_Ice t1_iwiotox wrote

Real, because of the smell and I think it’s beautiful.


nutmegger2020 t1_iwjl5lc wrote

Depends what my neighbor gets ; I usually sneak in and steal it in the middle of the night. They never seem to mind because they seem very happy anyway on Christmas so I've been doing it for years.


TheOtherKatiz t1_iwjoxvl wrote

I always used to get very sick in December as a kid. Turns out I'm allergic to most tree pollens, so bringing a tree inside isn't a great idea.

Honestly having a fake one is so much easier. I just miss the smell of the real ones a bit.


NLCmanure t1_iwip1y0 wrote

I love the smell of a real fresh tree.


EatenLowdes t1_iwivctj wrote

Sadly both. Usually a really small real one on sale and we have a nice fake one. So I didn’t cast a ballot


asspirate420 t1_iwj0h0v wrote

Real so that way I don’t have to store it all year. After christmas I toss it in the woods out back


RealFlyForARyGuy t1_iwjfraw wrote

Real simce it's a family tradition passed down for a millenia by us elfs


exixx t1_iwjyes5 wrote

Neither. Cats.


38hurting t1_iwk04p2 wrote

Fake and a bunch of pine tree candles. Woo!


ThirdHandTyping t1_iwk4r9d wrote

Yes Virginia, Christmas trees are real as long as children believe in their hearts and adults provide an assist.


pgm_01 t1_iwkomli wrote

Real, and we usually go out to the farms and get it since there are many farms near us.


0cclumency t1_iwjxioi wrote

Only ever had fake, I will never get a real one. I can’t stand spiders and bugs, and I’ve heard nightmares about real trees bringing in pests. No thank you! Even if it’s a slim chance, I’m not gonna take it. Also, we have cats who wreak enough havoc with the fake tree, I don’t need to give them an easier to climb option.


djln491 t1_iwkqsuj wrote

We like to keep it real


Dambergw t1_iwkudyq wrote

We’ve always done a real tree, we have a 6 year old and he looks forward to going out and looking for a tree every year and has a lot of fun searching for it, so that’s worth it to us. I imagine though when he’s much older we would switch to a fake one but who knows


JaKr8 t1_iwkxped wrote


I have an allergy to evergreen/coniferous type trees.

Found out the hard way after a couple of natural Christmas tree outings......


SplooshU t1_iwl0jr3 wrote

I've had a real one growing up, but now that I'm married I'll be getting a fake one. It's just easier to set up and take down, no need to deal with strapping it to the roof of the car, no need to clean up fallen pine needles or squeeze into a shaky stand. I'll miss the nice smell but not the fire hazard.


Klutzy_Meat_4291 t1_iwl25nb wrote

I have always gotten a real tree, but I'm tired of spending money on a plant I throw out every year. I'm probably going to get a fake tree this year. I can't smell pine anyway....


blaze1234 t1_iwlqhxa wrote

Why is none not an option?


blaze1234 t1_iwlqkm5 wrote

Why is none not an option?


BeachAdjacent t1_iwlth62 wrote

Love real trees, used to always cut one fresh each year. Unfortunately, my kid and dog are allergic.

Fake tree with the "scenticles" (icicle shaped green things) from Yankee Candle smell pretty close to authentic.


ct-yankee t1_iwm4adb wrote

Real. I hate storing a fake tree. Real goes out to the curb the week after, done.


HyperSilverYT t1_iwmqii2 wrote

My mom got a fake tree last year, i never had one, sometimes I would just stare at the damn thing thinking I was getting oxygen being the mindless teen I am, but there was a bit of a mess which isn’t horrible, but my dogs loved sniffing it