Submitted by MongooseProXC t3_z4o28p in Connecticut

Every year, I bag and either take my leaves to the dump or wait for pickup. So far, I probably filled 40 bags and I'm not even close to done. Pulled my back pretty bad while doing it too. How does everyone take care of their leaves? I don't have a tractor or a place on my property to dump them. Thank you.



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dresslover27 t1_ixrz6l0 wrote

You have real answers

I clean mine with soap and water then a bit of polish for a nice shine


[deleted] t1_ixs3pkv wrote

Don't know why this was downvoted. This is the way. It is known.


Aeed168 t1_ixt20gr wrote

I've found a cup of water in a five gallon bucket of water does the trick too. Really get in there with a toothbrush if needed.


BeachAdjacent t1_ixsatql wrote

Like everyone says, mow them up. After the final mow, anything that comes down gets piled onto my veggie beds, or blown into my flower borders — and there it stays all winter long, insulating my plants and giving a home to beneficial insects. I'm mid spring, I rake everything out onto the lawn, spread it out, and mow it then.


Synapse82 t1_ixrwfpp wrote

I hit them with the mower, mulched leaves take up less space.


1234nameuser t1_ixsizka wrote

I don't touch them, they don't clean up after me.


GotYaSon1 t1_ixsi7jj wrote

I just leave them until my neighbor gets tired of the wind pushing them back onto his yard and he does it for me 🫡🫡


psu1989 t1_ixs0sgu wrote

Mulch them with lawn mower. You have to start early and do this a few times per week when they start falling. If the mulch builds up, I blow them to a pile and dispose of.


ctusa73 t1_iye1j6q wrote

Get a heavy duty mulching mower that pulls itself. As an old man I gotta warm up to keep up with the thing! You really have to do trouble areas often just run over as many as you can now. Then do it in the spring. Just keep driving over them with the mower.


Midiala t1_ixrvr2q wrote

We mow them and let it go! It's a pain in the butt to rake and bag for something like leaves.


[deleted] t1_ixs3nae wrote

So there is something OTHER than leaves you rake and bag that's LESS a pain in the butt? Do tell.


Midiala t1_ixskf1e wrote



[deleted] t1_ixsqrzi wrote

How many tumbleweeds fit into a bag? Seems like that would actually be a really big pain in the ass. But, your mileage might vary.


Midiala t1_ixt0vf5 wrote

I estimate about 3-4 tumbleweeds per bag, really depends how far you can run some days!


Prize-Hedgehog t1_ixs4cjb wrote

I put mulch blades on my mower, pulverize the ever loving shit out of them. I have a compost bin so I use my bagger and toss some with my food scraps. Unless you have oak leaves, those don’t breakdown easily then I don’t have an easy solution for you.


MongooseProXC OP t1_ixsay8b wrote

That might be it. I have tons of oak leaves and mulching is not easy. It gets too thick. Even mulched it leaves a layer. That's why I usually bag.


Uharugger t1_ixtlm5j wrote

You can also bag them up and put them At the end of your driveway with a free leaves sign. Or make a post about free leaves. Many gardeners would be willing to take them for free.


FJCruisin t1_ixs99b3 wrote

mow em over. I use a tractor but a regular mower will work fine too.


virtualchoirboy t1_ixrw41c wrote

>I don't have a tractor or a place on my property to dump them.

Then I'll be no help. I have a wooded strip at one edge of my property. I use an 8HP Little Wonder leaf blower and just blow them all into the woods.

Before they moved, one of my neighbors used to just pile the leaves at the edge of his property and call a service to haul them away. A truck would show up with what was essentially a huge vacuum hose and suck up the pile - no bagging necessary.

Depending on your age and whether or not you're religious, some churches also do "rake and bake" events where they get parishioners together to help clean yards for people that are older or disabled and can't do it themselves.

Good luck!


SplooshU t1_ixs03p3 wrote

This year I actually raked all my leaves onto the lawn and then used my lawn mower with mulching blade to grind them as small as possible. I have a battery powered mower so it took like 4-5 charges and several passes to grind everything down, but only the big leaves are left. I will do a little more raking and mowing this weekend but I should be all done for the year hopefully. The smaller you cut them the faster they disappear, and they return their nutrients to the soil.

For all my stuff in the back that I normally let sit, I'm thinking of making a chicken wire cage for a mulch pile. I was watching a couple videos where a guy put all his leaves in one and then made sure to wet and toss them to help air get in and aid in bacteria breakdown. He also took a weed Wacker to grind them into smaller pieces to break down faster. Great high nitrogen fertilizer for the garden!

Consider /r/lawncare for some advice too!


Malapple t1_ixs6iwf wrote

May not be helpful if you can't tow it, but I use a zero turn mower towing a lawn sweeper. My driveway is lined with a Beech and 8 Sugar Maples and I have a 250+ year old Oak next to the house. Mowing over the leaves so they're confetti then sweeping them in the same pass was an absolute game-changer for the amount of time I had to spend on leaf pickup. It went from a dreaded chore to a 2-3 hour task.


JHolm915 t1_ixtr9uf wrote

I have good mulching blades on my mower and just mulch them into the grass. They break down over winter and the grass always thrives with no fertilizer in the spring.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ixsn7na wrote

Mulch it with the mower, suck up with mower/bagger, dump in rows, cover rows clear plastic, water it, turn it in like May, maybe mix in a bag of lime if I have extra. Clear plastic, full sun. I try to compost every leaf. I'll be out there chasing down a leaf. Leaves blow in but they don't blow out. I use the compost to replenish garden beds and green up/fill in the lawn, or I leave it in place and grow pumpkins or strawberries in it.


Jawaka99 t1_ixswmgd wrote

Blow them into a pile, rake them onto a large tarp and them dump them in a pile in the back of my property that I'm been trying to level for a decade.


panfried540 t1_iy6ekt3 wrote

The tarp method is the wtg imo, I used to transport the leaves with a tarp to the burn pile. Barely broke a sweat


f0cus622 t1_ixt7d3u wrote

We use a service called Lawn Starter, and for $150 they come and take all our leaves away for us.


notbad2u t1_ixt9o3b wrote

Step 1) Cut your grass short in September and again in October.

Step 2) Mulching/mowing is best. A tractor makes it easy but any lawnmower can do it. Do it weekly because of you let leaves pile up you'll be sorry.


Ayatollah-X t1_ixuk6em wrote

After years of raking, bagging and multiple trips to the dump for 40-50 bags of leaves, I just pay a guy $300 for a Fall cleanup. Time is money, and a freed up weekend is worth more to me than $300.


GoPikachuGo1 t1_ixsi08q wrote

Blow them into my liberal neighbors yard. He hates confrontation.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ixsnbgo wrote

I'd be like "thanks for the leaves dumbass, free nutrients for composting."


myrmad0n t1_ixst4or wrote

With a sponge


Badboyforlife411 t1_ixsu0ck wrote

Tractor in one direction down the yard into the woods. Sorry that doesnt help you.


Xyldarran t1_ixugivb wrote

Blow them into the forest behind my house


QueenOfQuok t1_ixunhpq wrote

I take them to the dry cleaners


NLCmanure t1_ixrz9ij wrote

contrary to what everyone thinks, it's not good to mulch leaves into your lawn. Leaf compost is acidic which lowers the soil pH and essentially kills grass, causes moss growth and soil compaction. to keep a healthy lawn, you're forced to lime it then fertilize the lawn to get the green to compensate. It's stress on the lawn and just more chemicals put into the ground water.


SplooshU t1_ixs0p84 wrote

The study by Michigan State University states otherwise.


NLCmanure t1_ixs6b1p wrote

I know from years of experience and doing my own soil pH tests and grinding leaves in to a lawn. Fuck MSU. they're not in CT.

if you want to dump man-made chemicals to fix your lawn to compensate for acidity, knock yourself out.


BeachAdjacent t1_ixsag65 wrote

Composted leaf mulch is incredibly good for your lawn, flower beds, veggie beds, etc. Is it so Ph neutral (very, very slightly acidic) that it doesn't even injure seedlings. You can grow seeds in a mix of leaf compost and potting soil. It loosens up compacted soil improving soil structure and drainage. I've never put any chemicals in my lawn, always mulch-mow my leaves, and my gardens are fantastic.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ixsp518 wrote

Some of this is legit for new lawns. Established lawns can handle it. Only thing you have to worry about is blotting out the sun. Bare spots tend to get an accumulation of leaf mulch, and then new grass can't grow there in the fall or spring. Avoid this with scarification. I use tow behind tools, a core aerator and tine dethatcher.


turkeygobblegobblr t1_ixzqbxl wrote

> you’re forced to lime it then fertilize the lawn to get the green

No one’s forcing you buddy, beyond some weird “green lawn” fetish