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Amity83 t1_ivhnwd0 wrote

It’s legal. I’ve never gotten as many as I have this year though.


zgrizz t1_ivhobt2 wrote

They carved out an exception for themselves in junk call/junk text laws.

I've never understood why they think I would reward then with a vote after they intentionally ignore my Do Not Call list status. Seems pretty ignorant.


Rhymes_with_relevant t1_ivhpuat wrote

I haven’t lived permanently in the state for years now and they still find a way to reach me.


AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_ivhq1dy wrote

I got the one from Arora; the "moderate pro-choice republican" who voted against the Reproductive Freedom Defense Act.

I know I'm yelling at a machine, but it's nice to use some vocabulary that otherwise collects dust when responding.


ctbeagle18 t1_ivhqcky wrote

I usually send back a dick pic and they don't bother me anymore.


djln491 t1_ivhqcnk wrote

Yup just got one for Hugh Shine. Never heard of him.


pridkett t1_ivhqfxm wrote

As another person who has had to deal with Dan Champagne do very little for the last few years, except collect yet another paycheck from government and once say the quiet part out loud about making it harder to search vehicles, I feel your pain. The text message from him was the most I’ve heard from him in months.


blue0mermaid t1_ivhqkc1 wrote

Yes, I’ve gotten a few in the last couple of days from republicans. I STOP and block.


bbpr120 t1_ivhqr3l wrote

Nope, I would say it helps having a RI area code number (the closest Cingular dealer to me was in RI when I got my first cell phone, its been a while...) but I don't get anything from Rhode Island political groups either.

Somehow I lucked out and get utterly ignored by both sides. In both states.


Supercaesarsalad t1_ivhqt35 wrote

Please, someone, get the people from Pennsylvania to stop texting me. I do not live there. I want them to go away.


redd-whaat t1_ivhr4ny wrote

They're even filling up my reddit feed.

Oh, wait...


johannes-kepler t1_ivhrowc wrote

Yeah man. I moved away in 2020. Thought they would've stopped by now


pantyinthe203 t1_ivhs96u wrote

Makes me highly consider not voting for them, even though it's legal. There are candidates that don't do this


Armsmaster2112 t1_ivhscfm wrote

I recognize the futility of doing so, but i always text them back, "Eat shit and go fuck yourself." I know its just a bot sending them but it makes me feel better


[deleted] t1_ivhsmdz wrote

Best way to lose your job or go to jail or go on sex offender list, esp if the one sending the text is a volunteer college student. Please don't send dick to volunteer staff. Send it to your Dad.


iquitthebad t1_ivhswpj wrote

I've gotten 5 calls alone today, 4 text messages.

I don't even live in the same state as my area code anymore so I'm getting all these political spams for people I can't even vote for.


Normal_Platypus_5300 t1_ivht2pf wrote

Yeah, I'm getting several of these texts a day. I just delete and block the numbers.


thebatfan5194 t1_ivht6b7 wrote

I got one saying "Hi, you live at (insert address here)? Your polling place is (insert address here)" with a map pointing where it is. Very creepy


Soad_lady t1_ivhtaop wrote

They don’t stop lately I’ve been getting atleast 4 a day for over a month. Theyre adressed to a different name, and at the end all say reply stop to opt out… it never freakin works


krispzz t1_ivhtx6s wrote

i'm feeling left out, i don't get any.


King_Calvo t1_ivhuha1 wrote

I got all the treasurer candidates today and just assumed because I’m studying accounting I got put on some sort of finance nerd watch list. Glad to see I’m not the only one suffering


Affectionate_Duty382 t1_ivhupnz wrote

Ugh yes! Multiple a day for weeks now and today k got a phone call. Annoying af


jredline7 t1_ivhuxih wrote

I like to respond by sending photos of feces


_EatAtJoes_ t1_ivhvjmp wrote

So, so many. Hundreds in the past month, literally... from tight elections in many states.


keepitupxxx t1_ivhwks6 wrote

5 text messages and 7 calls today alone are way to excessive.


Dashing_Host t1_ivhwpeg wrote

I got maybe 5 or 6 today alone all of them saying I shouldn't vote for Blumenthal


[deleted] t1_ivhx0hn wrote

When you become a registered democrat or republican, you are agreeing to get texted by your party candidates. Read the documents that came in with your registration.


thebatfan5194 t1_ivhx1dy wrote

That is very odd. You’d think they’d realize people get it, we see political ads every second of every day. We get it, it’s Election Day soon and I’m going to vote. I doubt Pestering people who are on the fence is really going to sway someone to go, especially with “I know where you live” type messages.


LouiseElms t1_ivhxixy wrote

I’ve gotten so many this time around! It’s annoying.


Clegacy t1_ivhz8t4 wrote

my wife and I noticed we are getting these calls at the exact same time.


ThisIsStan1 t1_ivhzrgz wrote

Forward the message to 7726 (spam)


WizardMickey718 t1_ivi23f1 wrote

Plenty of them. I believe I remember a few recent ones from Jim Himes and Dick Blumenthal. Deleted them right away. I'll never know how they got my cell number since I've never been a supporter of either of them. 🤷‍♂️


ertebolle t1_ivi37kz wrote

Yeah, I’m on a 212 and while I get a fair amount of spam from national candidates asking for money I barely get anybody asking me to vote for anything.


mikeymo1741 t1_ivi60qm wrote

I was an unaffiliated voter in CT, and I get them constantly. I moved to Florida where I am an unaffiliated voter and I get them constantly. Texts from two states, every day. And phone calls. The Desantis campaign calls every other day.


Zerox19a OP t1_ivi659b wrote

I actually checked on CT's site and I show as unaffiliated. So, it is possible. I clearly can't stop the messages but I refuse to join either shitty party


EmEmAndEye t1_ivi7hup wrote

YES!! Wayyy too many of them. Can't wait for Wednesday when all of this shameless pandering goes away. Then they go back to completely ignoring us peons.


timjimthegreek t1_ivia5mm wrote

I dunno who he is but I GOTTA vote for a guy named Dan Champagne!!!


eli1538 t1_ivia63g wrote

Yeah, like all the time, and they're from the opposing party too! I think they're talking to my dad, who's a Republican cuz I keep on getting these stupid voicemails from Paul Christi telling me to work Republican even tho I'm literally a registered Democrat


eli1538 t1_iviae06 wrote

I did get a funny one recently though, that just had an image that said "Say NO to Dick" referring to Senator Blumenthal, but out of context, it's fucking hilarious lol


raynethackery t1_ivib0ro wrote

How can Dan Champagne be both the Mayor of Vernon and a State Senator?


-rwsr-xr-x t1_ivic7fr wrote

> It’s legal.

It's "legal", but my response is ALWAYS:

> "Thank you for your unsolicited message. If you contact me again, regardless of party affiliation, I will personally convince 50 people NOT to vote for your candidate. This will be my last communication."

Works every time, and has for over a decade.


billcosbyinspace t1_ividd6q wrote

Every time I text stop to opt out like 3 more spring up it’s insane

They also somehow got my info mixed up with my parents so I’m getting messages about candidates in a town I don’t live in


newmoon23 t1_ivimg2j wrote

I’ve been getting them mostly from republicans and I have no idea how or why. I am annoyed enough when Dems text me, republicans texting me makes me real mad.


newmoon23 t1_ivimmlt wrote

Not only are you wrong about agreeing to texts by registering with a party but even if you were right I am a registered Dem and 9/10 texts I’ve been getting are for Republican candidates.

Stop making things up.


COMplex_ t1_ivimnbx wrote

Nope. Not registered either yet I get texts from multiple idiot candidates.

Somehow also get some for Texas candidates for a voter named Barbara.

They don’t ever stop.


Fuibo2k t1_ivinmmr wrote

Luckily my phone filters them out, still super annoying. How did they get my number?


buried_lede t1_ivixhv5 wrote

I’ve only got a couple this year but I’ not in the Hayes/Logan battle zone

I got one from an org that wants to help me find my polling location. I know my location but almost wanted to text back yes to see if they sent me to the wrong one

Also got a whacked right wing parents rights/ school text with video about sex education from Passct dot org


SkyF1r3-90 t1_ivj1yz8 wrote

Yup got two from republicans at like 7pm. Replied succinctly with my feelings on the matter.


KindRevolution80 t1_ivj4t2m wrote

I wish there was as much information online about local candidates as there is about national candidates. But I suppose it is easier to meet local candidates in person. Makes spam unnecessary.


Goodonawednesday1 t1_ivj73fb wrote

I've gotten some from other states, even. I think I'm on some extensive spam call list though


conviper30 t1_ivj7dbi wrote

I'm not saying I support it at all, I can only understand in the context of trying to reach a audience. I'm in sales and no matter what way I've conducted myself it's always as invasive. Send an email? How dare they! Call them? How dare they! Leave a voicemail? How dare they! Network through one of their friends or vendors? How dare they! Cold call them at their work? How dare they! (I did office supply sales/restaurant sales this was the only way.) All I'm getting at is; people don't want to listen regardless if it's good or bad for them. Everyone hates everyone and nobody cares.


teknic111 t1_ivjeok0 wrote

Yes, it is ridiculous! I got 25 different election spam text, yesterday. There should be a law against them!


dancemiasma t1_ivjj7go wrote

Yeah, all the time. Even though I moved to MA this summer.


fdman75 t1_ivjkq5x wrote

It’s been insane! I’m saving the numbers and I’m going to start sending bull crap messages back after the election is over!


highway_to_heck420 t1_ivjksd4 wrote

Yea, constantly these days. It’s very frustrating because I already had a ton of notifications for work and school normally. I know it’s not hard to block, but it’s just one more little thing and it adds up…


pridkett t1_ivjmn8g wrote

Three, at least at one point. Mayor of Vernon. Vernon Police. CT State Senate.

Perhaps the whole Mayor of Vernon and CT State Senate at the same time is why many people didn’t think he represented them.


Vegetable-Appeal9301 t1_ivk7eet wrote

I am registered as independent and boy does this piss off both parties. I get calls and texts and mail its stupid.


AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_ivkat79 wrote

That one made me pause for a second for some reason and I decided to read more about him, then got mad that he was advertising himself as pro-choice when his voting record was right there for me to look at.


EmperorJayP78 t1_ivki6ye wrote

I really hate these messages. They do NOTHING for me, don't influence or inform me in any way, shape or form. They are a nuisance to put it politely.


Sythe5665 t1_ivkmkaa wrote

Yes and they think my name is Mary


urbanevol t1_ivkzmdc wrote

FYI, voter rolls and party registrations are public information, as is whether you voted in past elections (obviously not who you voted for, just that you signed for a ballot). There are companies that will send texts out for candidates, and identify whether people are registered R or D or independent, whether they voted recently, etc. How they scrape your phone number is a bit opaque. I always vote but never get the texts. My spouse gets the texts all the time.


UghNeedAcct t1_ivl3rnr wrote

I've never been hit this hard by Republicans. Its like a 10:1 ratio and most of them aren't even about races I could vote i its a real shotgun approach.


Clover_Jane t1_ivlrmcr wrote

I've gotten a bunch from the MAGA candidates in my area and I told them all to "Fuck off, magat" only the Dems message me now. I am glad the election is pretty much over as I didn't have the heart to tell them to leave me alone.


SnooBunnies7461 t1_ivlx5d8 wrote

Between the calls and texts to my unpublished cellphone number I've had enough of the Republican party. Think I'm going to register as a republican after this voting cycle just so they'll leave me alone .... and then not vote for them.


Mr_Aurora t1_ivm17y6 wrote

Non stop to where i feel like hiring a lawyer ! So goddamn tired of it


fprintf t1_ivmyu19 wrote

And this is why I sucked at sales and only lasted a year (this was over 30 years ago). I had empathy for the people not wanting to be called upon and bothered. So I didn't bother them and didn't make any sales...


conviper30 t1_ivn1t8n wrote

It's a hard line to balance on...depends on what industry it is for me. I can't do residential fuck that no way I'm bothering people at their homes. The only time when I pressed people is when I had a solution to a problem they had and wouldnt respond at all (had a case of this happen to a BIG company in CT and since they never took my call it fucked the company up and got the CEO fired) so there is some validity to needing to pick up those calls at some point). Sort of like that comic where they are pushing a square wheel saying "IM TOO BUSY" while the guy is offering them a circle wheel. It's a battle of ignorance I deal with on a daily basis. But with that being said, alot of sales people can be ignorant too.

Also too I like to use as a reference is "why did we go through the industrial revolution? Because someone eventually said there is a better way to do things and people listened."