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GaryBlueberry34 t1_j1e11c2 wrote

guess my bill payment will not be a quick transaction then.


RamTuff4bi4 t1_j1e79fa wrote

Eversourse: Disconnection notice printing wrrrrrrrrrr. Find yourself a new supplier.......oops you can't we are it. Merry Christmas Eversource and don't forget January first our salaries are going up by 100% oh and yes your electric rate as well yes thats correct by 100%


Vandersnatch182 t1_j1f2zq3 wrote

I fucking hate eversource. I've been without power since like 7am and my house is getting cold. I may have to spend some of my hard earned money on a hotel room tonight so my baby doesn't get sick, and I'm sure hotel rooms are price gouged to shit because it's the holidays