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Aran613 t1_j1f1o7n wrote

So what do you think was incorrect? Eversources Financials are public information. They're making more money than ever and also hiking rates. Do you disagree with that? If not, you should look it up. It's only a Google search away.

Do you disagree with the state of the US power grid and general infrastructure being weak? Do you remember a power station shooting earlier this year that will be down for months? Wasn't there warning that the entire US grid is equally susceptible and poorly maintained?

Surely some of that money that these Eversource execs are making could be used to strengthen these networks, right? Especially with all that money they're making after hiking their rates?

You didn't address anything in my comment lmao


Vandersnatch182 t1_j1f3fzm wrote

Other countries like Germany that have a national power grid and almost never lose power because of it. Idk why we're not emulating them


Downvoterofall t1_j1fdxc6 wrote

I’m genuinely asking, does Germany get the type of storms/weather that the US does?


Vandersnatch182 t1_j1feoag wrote

That I'm unsure of, but I know that Germany is much smaller, area wise, so actually achieving a national power grid is actually plausible over there. Not that America can't do it... I wish we would.


LordConnecticut t1_j1g4csm wrote

Yes lol. But it wouldn’t matter. Because all the lines are buried except for the main transmission lines.


_343_Guilty_Spark__ t1_j1f5qih wrote

If that’s what you wanted to say then you would have said it in the first place. Instead you attempted to attack someone and it blew up in your face so now you’re upset and tripling down by openly lying about me not addressing your comment. It’s literally in my first sentence lmao

Everything the original poster said was 110% correct. You can think Eversource sucks and that they should invest in burying the lines while also using the two brain cells required to understand that this is the current reality and attempting to insult someone from behind a screen isn’t going to fix anything