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Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_j25iaol wrote

Maybe, hear me out, the person driving the 2 ton piece of steel at 35+ mph (so almost certainly speeding) should be the one with the onus out on them. Pedestrians ALWAYS have RoW in uncontrolled crosswalks, so slow the hell down if there’s people anywhere near one.

Since lockdown the amount of entitlement and lawlessness on the roads has reached critical mass. Red lights aren’t a guideline, speed limits off the highway really matter (idc what you do on an expressway but 25 versus 35 is life or death in a pedestrian collision), and ffs use your god damn turn signal.

Are pedestrians on their phones too much and too trusting that drivers are paying attention and abiding by the laws of the road? Yeah probably but that’s hardly new. The change needs to come in the form of drivers keeping their eyes on the gd road and obeying the law! Your 30 second delay is not important than someone’s life or potential maiming.


[deleted] t1_j25vipm wrote

>Pedestrians ALWAYS have RoW in uncontrolled crosswalks

No. They don't. They still have to make their intentions known to incoming traffic. You cannot just wander out into traffic because you "think" you have the ROW. That's the problem. Like I said, I see people do it constantly.


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_j263res wrote


[deleted] t1_j266dm9 wrote

Almost like laws change. You cannot just walk in front of cars in a crosswalk. Your entitlement will get you killed and I won't even get a ticket.

>Under the act, a driver must do so if the pedestrian: 1. is within any portion of the crosswalk; 2. steps to the curb at a crosswalk’s entrance and indicates intent to cross the road by raising his or her hand and arm toward oncoming traffic;


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_j268wto wrote

Yes, thank you for providing further reference that peds have the right of way. I hope going forward now you join the fraction of drivers that actually obey traffic law. Or at least keep your eyes off your phone long enough to see the person


[deleted] t1_j27qz7n wrote

> 2. steps to the curb at a crosswalk’s entrance and indicates intent to cross the road by raising his or her hand and arm toward oncoming traffic;

Read slowly so you don't hurt yourself. You cannot just wander across the road, even in a crosswalk.


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_j28bted wrote

I bet you’re as good at mowing down pedestrians as you are strawmen.

But, what point are you even trying to make with this one? That people are flinging themselves into the street at the last second as a car is speeding towards them? Maybe it’s worth taking a step back and ask why you’re not being taken seriously?

Go to any city or town center and spend an hour watching the intersections if you want a handle on the actual behavior here. Cars rarely stop for someone with their hand up at an intersection. Speeding on commercial and residential streets is as ubiquitous as it is everywhere. Distracted driving is rampant and not at all equivalent to someone walking on their phone. If you think the problem is people diving into the street at the very last second as a car is coming you’re living in a fantasy bubble.