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-ctinsider OP t1_j2ad7ti wrote

I searched the subreddit before posting but couldn’t find it. My bad on that - Casey


[deleted] t1_j2adq4f wrote


-ctinsider OP t1_j2aete9 wrote

Ah, okay! The link I shared is a follow-up with a response from the former CT housing commissioner responsible for the relief program. This was included in our story:

In a phone interview Tuesday, Evonne Klein countered that the state prioritized low-income residents, offering aid to wealthier households only when there was money left over. She added that not everyone who lives in an expensive house is necessarily wealthy.

"Folks on the upper end of the income scale were the last to receive any kind of funding," she said. "The majority of the funding went to people in lower income brackets."

Klein said HUD audited Connecticut's dispersal of funds at the time and did not raise any concerns. She also noted that Bridgeport, which saw relatively little funding from the relief program, received more than $40 million in disaster resilience funding as part of a separate grant."

Edit: In the Politico story, Klein appears shocked about some higher income folks getting aid:

“Wow. Wow,” said Evonne Klein, who oversaw the disaster aid program as Connecticut’s housing commissioner, after E&E News told her that some of the money had gone to the owner of a $5.5 million home.



[deleted] t1_j2afrcs wrote

Thanks for clarifying, my response was under-informed