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ovrhere_ t1_j1mkch0 wrote

Love to see support for the workers here! Eversource is a garbage company but that's not on the labor, they're out here doing what matters.


Independent_Source97 t1_j1mpcvv wrote

I spoke to an Eversource lineman several years ago after a storm cut power to many homes in town. He said “I hate the company but I love my customers”. Unfortunately there are customers who take their anger at Eversource out on the guy in the bucket truck trying to restore their power.


DirkWrites t1_j1mtiqb wrote

There were reports after Hurricane Sandy of people throwing eggs at power crews, apparently because they were upset about their response time. Really don’t think that’s gonna make it any faster, fellas.


daveashaw t1_j1nh40q wrote

I remember this happening in 1985 with Hurricane Gloria. If I was busting my ass on an 18 hour shift to restore power and some asshole started abusing me, I would do everything possible to blow apart their TV/appliances with nice 20,000 volt surge.