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foodcoma85 t1_j25j6a5 wrote

This headline is doing a lot of disingenuous work here. The cap for how much you receive is 150k, so if someone lost a 2 million dollar home, they only received 150k for it in disaster aid. Also, for anyone wondering that also didn’t read past the headline, this was after Sandy in 2011, so here’s a preemptive shush for anyone who might think about smearing Lamont.


djdeforte t1_j26wspz wrote

And most of the destroyed houses are near the coast. The coast, regardless of where is going to have multi million dollar homes. They don’t need to be massive mansions. It’s about location.


phutch54 t1_j24sepo wrote

So, there were no lower income homeowners denied funds just to accommodate wealthier people.Poor people got money, rich people got the same money too.What's the pearl clutching for? Sounds like the program worked as designed.Wealthy people should be denied just because they are wealthy?


activehobbies t1_j256l0p wrote

They can afford to rebuild.

The poor and the middle class can't.


SadAd9756 t1_j25e1zm wrote

Just because the home is "worth" millions of dollars does not mean the homeowner/s are wealthy. They could have been in those homes for decades when they were worth a "normal" amount, and because of the market now, they shot up in value. And even if they are wealthy, why does that disqualify them from something their taxes paid into?


keepcold t1_j26h9bk wrote

People of different income brackets were treated equally and yet you still complain. Unreal.


Jawaka99 t1_j25u18q wrote

They're the ones paying the taxes that fund these programs and you're going to make them ineligible?


hillarysabortedson t1_j26nzvm wrote

Assuming they paid taxes, why shouldn’t they be allowed to participate in government funded programs?


ctusa73 t1_j24q6re wrote

Probably the same people who blew PPP at the casino then raged about immigrants and welfare poor


AdHistorical7107 t1_j292z9x wrote

Don't forget. They also don't want the government involved in your life, but damned them for letting eversource raise rates and bless them for restricting abortion!


whatwouldyouputhere t1_j24p5y9 wrote

Were these homes damaged by the disaster?

They were? Oh my God, money was used for its intended purpose, the horror!


[deleted] t1_j24vwo5 wrote



whatwouldyouputhere t1_j24w5vs wrote

They were, until HUD relaxed the guidelines, per the 1st paragraph. Or the Sub-headline?


[deleted] t1_j24xb7k wrote



whatwouldyouputhere t1_j24y7mn wrote

It should never have been restricted in the first place. If you were damaged by a government declared disaster, the government should help out with the recovery.


[deleted] t1_j250bmg wrote



johnsonutah t1_j26k6gk wrote

It shouldn’t be surprising that the people who pay the highest income taxes and contribute the most to tax revenue in CT and in the USA are granted access to emergency disaster relief….

Also there’s nothing indicating everyone living in those homes could afford a $1mm down payment or $10k mortgages


whatwouldyouputhere t1_j25290v wrote

You're just out to punish success I guess.


[deleted] t1_j25iyat wrote



whatwouldyouputhere t1_j25kvch wrote

Given I know people for whom that's not true, you should try assuming less. You're making an ass of yourself.


[deleted] t1_j25miqg wrote



whatwouldyouputhere t1_j25n5kt wrote

Who said anything about them being rich? I said they gave me a privileged upbringing. Maybe we have different definitions of the word.

As I said, you've been lying about me, to yourself at minimum, the entire time. Good job using multiple accounts to stalk people across multiple subreddits. Really speaks to a healthy individual.

The fact I know people who have earned their multimillion dollar houses has nothing to do with me.


IndicationOver OP t1_j24rb36 wrote

Yea I guess because a home is worth more than avg it does not deserve natural disaster aid.

What happen to us as a society?


JayB2A t1_j24ytl7 wrote

If you have a multi million dollar house, you don't need any government assistance. You can afford to fix it yourself. Sell it if you can't. We need to stop bailing out rich people with houses built in areas where they know a storm will inevitably damage the building.


Luis__FIGO t1_j269esg wrote

How do you expect to pay for the assistance?

People only pay into it because they can get something out of it when shit hits the fan.


beanie0911 t1_j269iub wrote

So let’s take this one step further. Middle class homes in flood-prone areas in Houston. Poor neighborhoods in historic low-lying areas in New Orleans. Should those people get any assistance the next time their homes get destroyed? I’m genuinely asking. Because I struggle with this question myself. Should we give people vouchers to move somewhere else “safer” instead?


JayB2A t1_j26efkv wrote

Moving them is the best long term solution. It's ridiculous that houses get destroyed and rebuilt every few years. Insurance will eventually refuse to cover costal areas, rates can never go high enough to cover the cost of a hurricane destroying hundreds or thousands of homes every couple years.


phutch54 t1_j24skif wrote

Politico is like Veritas in that they like to manufacture outrage where none is warranted.


Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_j27c8ua wrote

Yeah, nice try. Like federal funds used in 2011 had anything to do with Lamont or the pandemic.


AdHistorical7107 t1_j292lvk wrote

Jeez. This sounds an awful lot like those PPP funds given to businesses who didn't really need it after all....

Where's the outrage there?


notbad2u t1_j25yvhy wrote

If news from ten years ago makes my brain hurt I can take an aspirin and go back to thinking about Putin's promise to nuke Ukraine and everybody else or write a scathing article about legally giving $150k to a millionaire two presidents ago.


[deleted] t1_j287ikd wrote



madnessdanz t1_j292h8y wrote

I mean leftover Sandy money funded my first job after becoming homeless with my 3month old baby.

They used leftover cash to fund the widening/finishing of the airline trail in North East CT. This was in 2013, They still had left over federal funds from sandy.

Made $12.75/hr(more than minimum wage at the time) to help cut trees, drag em to chippy. Got CPR/first aide certified, and set up networking with the state parks for future jobs.

Because of that funding I got my son and I out of a shelter and into stable housing by the time he was 6months old.


[deleted] t1_j292rg7 wrote



madnessdanz t1_j293bfo wrote

Yeah my kid is 9 now, and I worked many seasons with CT state Parks.

I don't know about all these luxuries, nor do I care. Connecticut is a great place to be. Been here my entire life.


coolducklingcool t1_j29g41b wrote

So the the Governor’s salary is causing homelessness…? Logical conclusion.


MTGBruhs t1_j25e810 wrote

A million dollars is not that much money


CTLFCFan t1_j25fiua wrote

Yes, it is.

Alternatively, if it’s not feel free to throw a mil my way.


MTGBruhs t1_j25u0g5 wrote

In terms of real estate, not really. A current "Million Dollar Home" could have easily been bought by a couple for $400,000 - $500,000 less than 10 yrs ago.


CTLFCFan t1_j25fg7g wrote

These rich assholes should be embarrassed for even applying.


Jawaka99 t1_j25u4jg wrote

Yes, successful people should be shunned


madnessdanz t1_j291uh4 wrote

Successful doesn't mean rich dear god.

Can we untwist this definition that success equals a rich man's paycheck?
