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deondixon t1_j1do6cn wrote

Reply to comment by DJ_DD in Here comes the wind… by tresrosas

Yeah it was nuts, bad enough to make me completely re think my long standing viewpoint of “wanting to witness a tornado in person”


achaete_scute t1_j1e0p8p wrote

I grew up in Alabama and can confirm you do not want to be anywhere near a tornado


Synergiance t1_j1e8r15 wrote

After the macroburst the other year I think I’ve experienced as close as I want to get to a tornado.


careTree t1_j1ej9hl wrote

I've always loved crazy weather, although never a fan of wind. Always a fan of thunderstorms and what not, but during that last hurricane we had a tree fell on my neighbors house and since then I've been a bit more terrified of strong winds (i hated wind enough before then anyway.)

I still admire the awesome power of nature. Nothing I can do to control it, whatever happens happens. Just real scary.