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Kolzig33189 t1_j1faur3 wrote

We all complained and moaned (rightfully so) about the fix time for large portions of the state for Isaias but at least that was during the summer where it’s uncomfortable but not dangerous (for nearly everyone, I’m sure some exceptions exist).

A few days fix time for a storm in the middle of winter when temps are about to be in single digits and teens for a few days is completely unacceptable and incredibly dangerous because not everyone has generators, fireplaces, etc to heat their home. Unfortunately, there will be deaths from a multi day outage during this weather and it’s completely insane that it would take that level before our politicians/legislature MIGHT actually do something about it.


sjsmac t1_j1fbyt9 wrote

@GovNedLamont: I’ve extended cold weather protocol an additional day through Tuesday, Dec 27 at 12 PM.

Anyone in need of shelter or a warming center should call 2-1-1 to find a nearby location. Transportation can be provided.


Kolzig33189 t1_j1fyai7 wrote

While I agree that’s an important link to share and I’m glad this option is available, it’s simply not good enough for our legislators to provide warming shelters. We all know very few people over the age of 40 or 50 will see that and the senior citizens are the ones most at risk.

I can’t wait until Duff posts something about how he’s having a wonderful Christmas on Sunday and how he hopes everyone has the same. Light his ass up.


Kodiak01 t1_j1krke5 wrote

> A few days fix time for a storm in the middle of winter when temps are about to be in single digits and teens for a few days is completely unacceptable and incredibly dangerous because not everyone has generators, fireplaces, etc to heat their home.

And where did you expect them to pull all the thousands of extra employees and hundreds of extra trucks from? Out of their ass?

Almost every State is dealing with issues right now, most worse than here. Stop being so fucking entitled already.


Kolzig33189 t1_j1lk4ek wrote

Apparently you’re not familiar with what contractors are. There is no need to hire extra employees.

And stop schilling for eversource and their terrible decision making and planning. It’s pathetic.


G3Saint t1_j1gg3hb wrote

Uhh. how can you stop the wind and frozen limbs?
