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Kolzig33189 t1_j264gkk wrote

How self absorbed does someone have to be to think this random thought is worthy of both a tweet and post to Reddit? Oh wait it’s bulky mao, I’m no longer surprised.


IndicationOver t1_j265vps wrote

I guess he has never been to Grand Central Station or an Airport


Bulky-Mark315 OP t1_j267wyh wrote

It all sucks! But I'll tell you 3 toilets isn't enough for one of the busiest train stations in the Northeast.


hillarysabortedson t1_j26mjdo wrote

Don’t worry Comrade, just be patient for your state-appointed time to poo. It’s for the good of the many.


updownsidewayz t1_j29ttb9 wrote

and if you miss your state-appointed time.... you def won't miss the next one in the gulag.


Deweyez1 t1_j262xks wrote

More than likely its due to the trains arrival and departure times. Dont need to piss or shit yourself on the train.


Bulky-Mark315 OP t1_j2634pg wrote

I waited for it to die down then there's still motherfuckers in there 😭 Tell me how a station that big only has 3 men's toilets?


Pruedrive t1_j26xl7q wrote

Such a weird thing to complain about.


RunnyDischarge t1_j28odu8 wrote

Bulky Ryan just needs attention


Pruedrive t1_j28okob wrote

Apprently.. just seems like something old people would complain about.


johnsonutah t1_j26lyjo wrote

You realize it’s usually homeless people in there when it’s occupied for extended periods of time right? Hence why it typically reeks (no offense to them). No idea what they’re doing in there

It is pretty insane that small ass bathroom is all that’s available for such a busy train station. But then again there are zero shops, offices, or apartments around the train station so not surprised by how lackluster it is inside.


Bulky-Mark315 OP t1_j26qt12 wrote

>You realize it’s usually homeless people in there when it’s occupied for extended periods of time right?

Yeah, pretty sure the homeless guy in the stall next to me was...brushing his teeth? Then there was a dude like washing his hair in the sink.

>It is pretty insane that small ass bathroom is all that’s available for such a busy train station.

THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING! 3 toilets for the whole damn station?

>But then again there are zero shops, offices, or apartments around the train station so not surprised by how lackluster it is inside.

There's literally nothing within walking distance of the station! It's sad honestly, that part of New Haven there could be so amazing.


johnsonutah t1_j26rlqu wrote

There’s a plan in place to develop the area around union station now that the jungle is torn down, but I haven’t seen any actual progress


Bulky-Mark315 OP t1_j26rs24 wrote

>but I haven’t seen any actual progress

Don't hold your breath, we live in America lmao.


AdministrativeBid267 t1_j26wqge wrote

People show up and leave the station at the same time. Go to the can after the train leaves.


RunnyDischarge t1_j28e6z3 wrote

Oh no this self promoting douche posting his own tweets again


Sweaty_Conclusion_80 t1_j28nts1 wrote

The bulky mark cycle:

  1. Tweet something inane/cringy/whiny

  2. repost the same thing to numerous Reddit communities in a desperate plea for attention

  3. Get roasted in the comments section by people who know the shtick

  4. Defend the CCP

  5. Delete post

  6. Repeat step 1


zDEFEKT t1_j26jipo wrote

I read this as radio station and I was like wow that’s a coincidence


Bulky-Mark315 OP t1_j26qw9d wrote

You work at a radio station in New Haven? Bro get me a job lol


InvisibleTeeth t1_j266204 wrote

ive seen worse. O"Hare airport has like 70 million bathrooms and all had lines out the door of them


InsaniteeBicycles t1_j28wj0n wrote

Come on there's a perfectly good bathroom on your way out to the parking garage.
Me, I just want them to fix the damn escalators. When one breaks, make the other one be the 'up'. It's not that hard to do. One of the people in our party could not climb a lot of stairs, so we had to wait for the stupid 4 man elevator.


updownsidewayz t1_j29jazg wrote

garbage, poorly-worded, attention-seeking post; as others said it's probably due to more people being there right after train stops and due to train schedules and, unfortunately, possibly some homeless people using the restrooms. Wording and attention-seeking totally distracts from making a valid point that whatever # of stalls they have isn't enough... I really don't know why I'm replying to this, wasting my time....