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There_goes_kyle t1_j2dsnlf wrote

Haha fantastic! I know I can look this info up, but I’m curious of your experience with getting a vanity plate. Is it a pain? Like multiple trips to the DMV type of pain; or is it doable online & then you just drop off your old plates?


o2bmeek t1_j2dv5i0 wrote

I was able to order them online and they were mailed to me. Super easy.

I went through this twice where the first time I never got around to returning the older plates. The 2nd time I had to go to the DMV to transfer plates and returned the old ones - there was a bin to drop them in.


There_goes_kyle t1_j2exsy1 wrote

Appreciate the info. Actually gives me some motivation to actually do something about it… I just automatically assumed it would be the typical DMV visit(s)- something goes wrong, have to come back, wasting time I don’t have on something that isn’t really a big priority. Happy New Year!