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OpelSmith t1_j2axwvs wrote

they look way better now. Look how elegantly Connecticut is actually written on the lower one. Old one is clunky.


BeesOnBlow t1_j2ay3z2 wrote

At least the font is not Helvetica.


Prize-Hedgehog t1_j2b1ymx wrote

I think it’s time for a refresh. Maybe one with a slice of pizza in the background kinda how the LIS plates are.


mkt853 t1_j2b38b8 wrote

I like how simplistic they are now especially when you look at other states. No crazy color schemes, graphics, illegible fonts, or stickers all over the place. Some states include county names and stickers in 3 corners. Connecticut is just basic blue and white, state name and nickname, and the only graphics is a little outline of the state in the upper left corner (just like our licenses). No stickers all over it that make it look like an overseas package and no web site advertisements. Other states' plates look like a minor league baseball team outfield fence with all of the random stuff all over them.


hymen_destroyer t1_j2b3r92 wrote

I vastly prefer the old ones, I think you can still get them but they cost more


Choperello t1_j2bcm4x wrote

It went from ass ugly to boring as shit.


zDEFEKT t1_j2bcseo wrote

I like them. Better than nearly any other state.


jules13131382 t1_j2beqnv wrote

The “save the sound” ones with the light houses are pretty


purpleflagbook t1_j2bf7bo wrote

I like our plates. Simple chic and classic just like CT!!!!!


tuss11agee t1_j2bf80g wrote

I think one reason for the change is the fact the new plates don’t press out the words, they are just printed. They’re probably easier to mass produce as a result.


gatogrande t1_j2bfhrb wrote

Some beauracrat make work bullshit... the dark blue rocks and could have been reflective as well


buried_lede t1_j2bjgif wrote

I liked all the states' old ones. They were easy to ID with a glance


lesmartin t1_j2bjle7 wrote

I’m a fan of the old ones. I believe part of the reason they changed the design was to make them more legible (for police). And no you cannot get the old ones. Occasionally I see someone running their old ones on the front of their car.


number44is171 t1_j2bk7zo wrote

People out here finding anything to be mad about.


JoeBa31 t1_j2brm10 wrote

Lived in CT for about 15 months a while back after living in NY and OH and think CT had some of the best plates around. They are simple but recognizable and looked great on both our cars. Now that we are back in OH, I actually proudly display an old CT plate in our garage because I think it looks so good. Having not grown up in CT, I can only imagine the top plate is getting love for nostalgia reasons.


maxims_damndboi t1_j2bud2y wrote

Have u seen Indiana plates?? I PREFER this over anything over the top that other states do. This for me is perfect. NY has cool plates too.


bjt1021 t1_j2bzurr wrote

It’s too similar to Maryland, I wish we had crazy ones like Tennessee’s.


PantsPile t1_j2bzy9g wrote

I wish we could choose one without the blue gradient... Blue doesn't look good with every car color. All the personalized plate options are over the top!


FJCruisin t1_j2c3ajt wrote

New ones are reflective so they can use laser to check your speed.. they just shoot the front plate. See also: why we're required to have front plate now


1mrwick t1_j2c7s6y wrote

The state outline in the old one doesn't have the notch.

The new one has.

Give back the notch!


gregra193 t1_j2ca0kf wrote

The standard design is like…okay for a basic plate that doesn’t cost any extra.

The additional design options are super outdated…like pre-2006 outdated, evidenced by the lingering spot for an expiration sticker.

Compared to a state like Maine, the design options in CT are pathetic!


gregra193 t1_j2caq58 wrote

Preserve the Sound is decent, but the graphics are like Clip Art from MS Word ‘97. They still have a notch for the pre-2006 expiration stickers too.

Compared with other New England states, CT designs really should be refreshed.



lizardRD t1_j2cbfpr wrote

Have you seen Massachusetts license plate? It’s so plain, white plate with red lettering, that’s it. I like that CT has some color but not over the top like some other states! Mass is just plain boring


Indianbro t1_j2cotkc wrote

That was from 1995…you made it seem like it was a recent change. Theres no way you will find me drilling into my front bumper to appease authorities from something people still dont follow to this day lol


pregus t1_j2cs5z0 wrote

I believe you can still get the old blue?


There_goes_kyle t1_j2db08r wrote

I’ll tell you what I’m mad about with my new CT license plate. My older car was AN-#####. Just got a newer car, and guess what letters they are at? BJ. I have a BJ-##### license plate. (Yes I tried to get another at the dealer, they were all BJs). How could they not think of that and skip to BK? Amazing. Good way to get me to buy a vanity plate for no reason at all, so thanks CT. Hopefully I get to spend a bunch of my own time at the DMV too!


FJCruisin t1_j2dencq wrote

I never would put mine on either, until I got pulled over for it. Was doing like 70 in a 45 cop pulls me over I'm like ok.. I'm done.. he was just like I stopped you for no front plate... Thinking to myself, "wait not because I was flying through here?" I told him I'd put it on right now and he let me go with no tickets or mention of my speed ..


mynameisnotshamus t1_j2dh2h1 wrote

Ha! Same! First new car in 15 years. My old plate was a bit beat up, so opted for a new one… and it’s a BJ plate! Even the salesman laughed. People comment more on the plate than the new car. I’m considering a vanity plate- not a dumb word like most do, but just some random number letter combination. Or, I just laugh at it and call it my BJ mobile. BJ cruiser, etc. want to start a BJ club? We can have BJ meetings once a month. I’ll get some shirts printed up.


Remigius t1_j2diasl wrote

My plate lost 30% of its "ink" in year 2. Looks absolutely horrible


There_goes_kyle t1_j2dla8v wrote

Same on the whole new car thing! Although it’s a 2020 with 30k miles.. it’s still as new a car as I’ve ever bought! The BJ thing is just so funny though, I can’t stop laughing and telling people about it. I am SO down for the BJ club, I’m feeling way more proud about it now with the power of numbers. When I went to pick up my car, several other people had cars ready to pickup as well- A whole line of cars that just got BJs!


There_goes_kyle t1_j2dlo3f wrote

Haha that is what I’ve been saying to people- I have always been that person that always try’s to get pics of funny plates saying I want one. The last ones I was so surprised that CT let slip were when they were still doing 3 letter - 3 number plates, and a whole slew of WTF-### cars were driving around. It’s the simple things!


MrDrMrs t1_j2dmexz wrote

Lighting bolt vanity ftw. Blue gradient is fine imho, better than NYS. I do miss the solid blue plates tho.


There_goes_kyle t1_j2dn5vc wrote

My gosh I never realized this… we NEED the notch back NOW! Taking it off the plate might as well be CT conceding, we can’t let our representatives quietly give in like that; slowly losing sense of what is really important to We The People.


beanothere t1_j2dnkn6 wrote

Because someone learnt power point fading backgrounds … got too excited about that


There_goes_kyle t1_j2dnrpo wrote

I feel like I’ve seen AQ but I may be mistaken. You are definitely right though, I’ve noticed they skip I and O as far as I can tell. I’ve always assumed it was because of the number confusion. I’m glad I’m not the only one that is always paying attention to things like this.


hamhead t1_j2dp0wn wrote

I actually think they are one of the better ones now, but I do agree there was no need to change them and I have a soft spot in my heart for my old ones.


FJCruisin t1_j2drudl wrote

Honestly man I'm with ya. Carry the plate in the car with you so if you do get stopped for it you can just say "Hey I couldn't figure out how to mount it on this car, I have the plate right here" and hopefully cop will be like Yea man, just go get it taken care of..

Other thing to consider though.. if you don't have the front plate on, any cop now has a legit reason to stop you. IMHO best to not give em a valid reason to see what other laws you might be breaking


misplaced_pants742 t1_j2ds774 wrote

I've wondered who comes up with the plate number patterns, and the thought process behind it.

Like when the pattern "123 ABC" (as pictured in this post) ran out of unique character combinations, they went to "1AAAA1", which DID use the number zero, which was hard to read, and you'd see a bunch of combinations that looked like really weird personalized plates. Like one time I saw "OAT UNO", haha. Then they switched to the pattern we use now, presumably because it's easier to read.

Also it seems the plate pattern "00 AAAA" is used for motorcycles and classic vehicles. This pattern has far more unique combinations than other existing numbering patterns, but motorcycles/classic vehicles are such a small portion of vehicles overall - so why would they use that numbering pattern?

I know, weird stuff I notice when out driving.


There_goes_kyle t1_j2dsnlf wrote

Haha fantastic! I know I can look this info up, but I’m curious of your experience with getting a vanity plate. Is it a pain? Like multiple trips to the DMV type of pain; or is it doable online & then you just drop off your old plates?


o2bmeek t1_j2dv5i0 wrote

I was able to order them online and they were mailed to me. Super easy.

I went through this twice where the first time I never got around to returning the older plates. The 2nd time I had to go to the DMV to transfer plates and returned the old ones - there was a bin to drop them in.


PsycherKing t1_j2dy0cz wrote

As someone who lived in NY, CT and NJ… CT has the best plates. Have you seen how ugly NY and NJ’s plates are? 😂😂😂

Edit: NJ’s plates are ugly. I put NY twice 😅


Obnition t1_j2e2gwg wrote

I can't stand it, they made it such a tacky 2000s gradient. I'd love a modernized version of the old style. You look at New York, massachusetts, or Vermont and they all have nice and simple two color plates, the simplistic old fashioned style just fits better for new england


nintendosbitch666 t1_j2e3cbn wrote

My sister has an old af car and she throws it on her front dashboard so it's displayed without having to drill holes into her car, no ones ever said anything to her about it and it avoids a pull over lol

Only break one law at a time, and that's usually already taken by her speeding (which I do get on her about)


Lucky_caller t1_j2ehff5 wrote

I have too, with two separate vehicles. Probably jinxing myself by even making this comment, but cops don’t really seem to care too much. Although, they could definitely use it against you, if they need a reason to.


Pvrb80 t1_j2ehkk2 wrote

I think our plates are ones of the best looking plates of the rest of the states


JoeBa31 t1_j2em9lf wrote

18 different states? Dang! I only have 4 with the other being FL for a few months when I was younger so it barely counts.

I am from OH originally. We absolutely loved CT but we’re not too thrilled with NY. The worst part of CT other than traffic was the cost of living. In the transition from CT back to OH, we went from renting an apartment to owning a house in a nice suburb, tripled our living space, and our mortgage is the same as our rent was.


BeerJunky t1_j2eo3us wrote

I want a pride flag plate. Not as an option, make them all pride flags. I’m not LGBTQ myself, I’m just trying to flush out all the homophobes that wouldn’t put one on their big heehaw truck. The hope is that they all fuck off to Alabama or something.


princess_cupcake72 t1_j2eot7g wrote

Whoops nope I haven’t lived in 18 and I have no clue how that got on there!! I’m sorry! Yup it’s cheaper to live in OH, but we are all from CT. The goal was always to come home. OH is a great state and do family oriented. I miss it.


sleepinator_ t1_j2ewnz8 wrote

It’s not that the current plate design is terrible, it’s just really… boring. I recently moved to CT from AL & I’m used to our tags that include a bit of the state’s landscape, which I love. When I get my CT tag(soon), I hope that I’m able to get the one with the little lighthouse on it. That’s my favorite CT tag that I’ve seen so far.


dave2step t1_j2ewvdr wrote

Democrats ruin everything in Connecticut


There_goes_kyle t1_j2exsy1 wrote

Appreciate the info. Actually gives me some motivation to actually do something about it… I just automatically assumed it would be the typical DMV visit(s)- something goes wrong, have to come back, wasting time I don’t have on something that isn’t really a big priority. Happy New Year!


hexidist t1_j2f2pei wrote

Just grab some Florida license plates like the other half of the state!


childpotpiee t1_j2fctta wrote

moved to tennessee from ct and my license plate has dolly parton on it 🫶🏽


PrpleMnkyDshwsher t1_j2fhudf wrote

Useless trivia = The little shape of CT on the top left means these plates were issued after the mandate to have a front plate was enacted, prior to that a front plate was optional, and the CT shape was put on there to tell cops that you were indeed issued 2 plates and thus were required to have a front plate.