Submitted by Susbirder t3_zkx2ex in Connecticut

I live near the end of a long private (and shared) driveway. When I was working on the yard, I realized that this was on the utility pole just off my property. It appears to have been placed there professionally, and due to some of the rust I can see on the mount, it must have been there for a while. The camera is aimed down the shared driveway, not toward my house. Is this something typical of utility companies like Eversource? Or should I suspect a neighbor is running surveillance on the shared driveway or something? (I ask here because I've never lived on a shared driveway, which seems to be standard CT fare.)



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Maverick8200 t1_j01zx2e wrote

That’s a super old CCTV cam on a relatively new looking pole. I’m assuming a neighbor put it up as a “deterrent” more then an actual functioning security camera. But if it is functioning. It’s not illegal, but eversource or frontier prob don’t appreciate their pole being drilled into


MisterSIippyFist t1_j04itp4 wrote

That pole is atleast 10 years old, just by looking at this picture. Source: I set poles for a living.


Maverick8200 t1_j04j54h wrote

Oh I don’t doubt that or your experience at all, I’m just saying that camera is like mid 90’s or older. The camera boxes at my job were installed in 1995 and look more modern.


MisterSIippyFist t1_j04nbqs wrote

Yea I’d recommend they call frontier or eversource/UI (whoever owns the pole) and have them remove it. It was most likely not approved to be installed on that pole anyways.


Susbirder OP t1_j06i7f8 wrote

Good idea. I'm not sure who owns it. There is a transformer on it, but also some Comcast stuff. I suppose Eversource would be my first call (assuming they're not too busy fielding calls about their price surge).

I actually entertained the idea of putting a bag over the camera and waiting to see who shows up to remove it. LOL


MisterSIippyFist t1_j06mbib wrote

On the pole where the numbers are located, there’s usually a badge above it that either says ‘SNET’ (frontier) or some form of ‘Eversource’ (Like HELCO, CLP, etc). I also, highly doubt that thing is working too lol cut the wires, no one will know who did it!


Kolzig33189 t1_j01z62p wrote

Not sure of legality or anything but if I was in your shoes, I would talk to your neighbor and ask them in a friendly way if they put the camera up. Worst case, it gives you a chance to meet them or get to know them a little better even if it’s a town or company camera and not theirs.


Susbirder OP t1_j020w3x wrote

That's my plan at this point. I already need to have a friendly chat with him because he took part of a downed tree that fell on my property...but I'll need to be diplomatic about it all. The houses here were all built near the end of the 70's, and I'm wondering if this isn't just something that the developer left behind.


hahaha7890123 t1_j02swt8 wrote

Your upset that he took part of a tree that fell on your property??? I’d be ecstatic if my neighbors did that.


Susbirder OP t1_j039xpv wrote

It's an elm tree that has been sitting there for over a year. This fall, I had a landscaper in to do some other work, and he offered to buck it up for free, and since I use a wood stove, I was happy for the opportunity. I was about 1/3 of the way into splitting it all when the neighbor showed up (while I was away) and loaded some rounds into his truck. He's a nice guy who also offers to plow my driveway when it's bad, so I'm not too mad...but we have to come to an understanding about him just showing up and taking things unannounced.


ILoveBaconDammit t1_j01z2wf wrote

That is one “old” camera enclosure. Are there 2 wires coming out the back? Power/video. Is it connected to the box below? Where is it recording? Lots of questions…but that is old tech.15-20 years at this point


Susbirder OP t1_j0216of wrote

Yep...lots of questions for sure. It's a mystery to me. And come to think of it, I didn't notice the wiring. I'll have to look at it from another angle. From the look of it, though, it wasn't just slapped on there.


BookOfMakai t1_j021k4a wrote

Very weird, I’ve never seen a camera like that on someone’s private property unless it’s a business or something. Good thing it isn’t pointed towards your house, that’d be extra sketchy


[deleted] t1_j02d1es wrote

If it's a shared driveway, ask your neighbors. Them or previous owners may have put it up. Or as someone said, it could be just a deterrent and it's not functional.


realbusabusa t1_j0336un wrote

Looks like a driveway alarm to alert if car or truck is coming up perhaps


Susbirder OP t1_j14bgjd wrote

Update: I located the ID information, and it's an SNET pole. There is also another tag with a 2015 date. The camera has flexible conduit attached, running to the little box mounted lower on the pole.

I'm currently talking with a Frontier rep (via Twitter). They agree that the pole is theirs, and that since they don't use cameras, it shouldn't be there. I asked them to check if there is a third-party agreement for such a thing and, if not, who I should press to remove it.

They are saying they know nothing about it. Upon closer inspection, I see the lower box has "AT&T" embossed on it. Therefore it is Frontier's equipment.


Susbirder OP t1_j14mxex wrote

Another update: I called Frontier, and after fighting with their phone system, I spoke with someone with a thick accent (clearly outsourced customer support). Since I don't have a Frontier account, half the battle was just getting someone to talk to me. Eventually they transferred me to a "technical support" person. When I mentioned that the box had "AT&T" on it, I was told that I need to talk with AT&T. They gave me the main AT&T number. Since I don't have an account there, I had yet another battle trying to get to a human. The lady I spoke with (also with a thick accent) directed me to a technical support phone number. Or not. When I called, I realized that the number was the main Consumer Cellular phone number.

This is crazy. My next path is probably through PURA. I'm close to getting a ladder, going out to the pole, and cutting the sucker off myself.


Justagreewithme t1_j04d1up wrote

Idk about legality on property that isn’t theirs, but I know Eversource has put up cameras on their own facilities before when they had issues with scrappers and trespassers.