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Maverick8200 t1_j01zx2e wrote

That’s a super old CCTV cam on a relatively new looking pole. I’m assuming a neighbor put it up as a “deterrent” more then an actual functioning security camera. But if it is functioning. It’s not illegal, but eversource or frontier prob don’t appreciate their pole being drilled into


MisterSIippyFist t1_j04itp4 wrote

That pole is atleast 10 years old, just by looking at this picture. Source: I set poles for a living.


Maverick8200 t1_j04j54h wrote

Oh I don’t doubt that or your experience at all, I’m just saying that camera is like mid 90’s or older. The camera boxes at my job were installed in 1995 and look more modern.


MisterSIippyFist t1_j04nbqs wrote

Yea I’d recommend they call frontier or eversource/UI (whoever owns the pole) and have them remove it. It was most likely not approved to be installed on that pole anyways.


Susbirder OP t1_j06i7f8 wrote

Good idea. I'm not sure who owns it. There is a transformer on it, but also some Comcast stuff. I suppose Eversource would be my first call (assuming they're not too busy fielding calls about their price surge).

I actually entertained the idea of putting a bag over the camera and waiting to see who shows up to remove it. LOL


MisterSIippyFist t1_j06mbib wrote

On the pole where the numbers are located, there’s usually a badge above it that either says ‘SNET’ (frontier) or some form of ‘Eversource’ (Like HELCO, CLP, etc). I also, highly doubt that thing is working too lol cut the wires, no one will know who did it!