Submitted by RetroIsBack t3_zrbpfp in Connecticut

Eversource put my account on hardship status even though I didn't request or accept it. They said they couldn't find my household income so the account goes on also puts a lock on the account

This prevents Constellation from providing me electricity at a much lower rate.

So I call them and go through the same ID process used to request a shutoff/transfer, but they won't remove the hardship by phone. So then they say I have to fill out a form, sign, and send it in. I do it.

They claim they dont have it, and now Constellation is not going to accept me.

I contacted Pura and all they did was email the same form.

Did the legislature give them the right to lock my account?



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buried_lede t1_j136xb7 wrote

Instructions in this news story. You aren’t alone. There is a hardship opt out form

And let AG Tong know. He’s already ticked off at them.

(I’m actually getting suspicious about this thing, that someone is making money somehow on this. )

People who never applied for hardship status could actually sue them for this, easy. Easy

No, the legislature did not give them that right. The opposite actually, when they passed the stupid dereg bill. You have a right to switch


RetroIsBack OP t1_j12uu71 wrote

Yes I did that and Pura just sent the same request paperwork.

I cannot understand how a company could get away with this unless it had the protection of the law.


raynethackery t1_j12vh8w wrote

Did you call them or just email? I would call them if you didn't, otherwise, contact your local State Rep of State Senator. I did that when I had a problem with the DOL regarding unemployment. It was fixed within the week.


eastst328 t1_j164v48 wrote

The entire Board should be dismantled.


silasmoeckel t1_j13mcqi wrote

Our esteemed Governor ordered them to do it. Pretty much they used a record dump to automatically sign people us for hardship status. If the State of CT told them you make under x or a few other things. This is Neds idea of helping people cope with prices.


CatsNSquirrels t1_j145fhh wrote

You’re gonna have to provide some evidence to substantiate your accusation.


thewifestah t1_j14gq96 wrote

The state/PURA and Eversource gave it a green light.


CatsNSquirrels t1_j14m6tn wrote

PURA is headed by Michael Caron, who is the Commissioner, along with two chairmen. Not the governor.


thewifestah t1_j159ygs wrote

I’m aware of who our Governor is. The Governor and other state officials, not PURA, challenged Eversource and UI, to get “creative” and come up with ways to help low income and at risk customers. This is one of the ways they thought they could help. It was approved by PURA and the state, to go forward, as a pilot program. People are upset that it was allowed. They are upset that any customer could automatically be enrolled without consent. The state had a hand in that. That shouldn’t be ignored.