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y2kill4money t1_j18jqx8 wrote

Maybe he was on his phone. Texting. Still sorry for his family I am sure he is OK cars are very safe these days especially if he was wearing his seatbelt which I am sure he was. At least the report will say so.


premiumcaulk t1_j18naa4 wrote

Fun fact: most police officers do not wear seatbelts, it's uncomfortable because of their gun holster, and they say that they always need to be ready to get out quickly. Also, based upon personal observations, not any real stats, but I'd bargain that cops are on their phones and their laptop while driving more than any average person. But they're the police, so the law doesn't apply.


Cfest01 t1_j1aiuiw wrote

Under the law the police could be on their phone if it's for work purposes.. Whether when you see them on the phone and driving is for work purposes or not is a different convo..


premiumcaulk t1_j1apwfy wrote

Mm yes. I'm sure much of their work is done a cell phone and not the laptop and dispatch radio


[deleted] t1_j1b2yh4 wrote



premiumcaulk t1_j1bhpt4 wrote

See, I thought that was fine until the passive aggressive comment at the end. Putting a phone on speaker and in your visor is a very responsible way to use a phone while driving. I was more talking about holing the phone to your ear, or texting and things like that.

I am in full support of responsible phone use when needed in a car. Anything beyond that I dont feel as okay with. Not to say I'm entirely innocent myself.


[deleted] t1_j1ch4iv wrote



premiumcaulk t1_j1dehtl wrote

I honestly appreciate that so many people call about things cops do that are wrong. Though, it should be a full notice not "I saw this bad thing, but the reason." I mean how many times have I seen cops flip lights on blow past a couple cars run the red light then slow right back down turn off the lights and go about their day. The abuse of power, in many officers, is absolutely sickening to me. You do seem like you'd be one of the halfway decent ones. But it's extremely hard for me ever give the benefit of a doubt to a cop because I've grown up to hate you guys so much. I was raised in new haven where no cop ever did a helpful for us or anyone I knew, and abusive behavior towards me my friends and others that I knew really tainted my view.

I do understand that there are times you need to be on your laptop or a screen in general. And as I said before you do seem to be responsible in how you do it, or at least claim to be with solid points. But I do get the sense many officers are just doing personal calls and texts while driving. I mean, the amount of times I've seen one who is supposed to be directing traffic, just chit chatting with a wife or gf is very high. ( Based on overheard conversation)

I feel like I've gotten off track here. But I can say that although I have a hard time appreciating your people, I do appreciate the attitude you have about screen use, and the way you seem to handle it. If more cops were like you, maybe more people would like them.

Also, I'd like to use this opportunity to say, badges aren't made of copper anymore, and since now they are nickel and brass mostly. I'd like to petition to change the nickname "cops" to "nicks" or "brassies"....that is all.


[deleted] t1_j1e27gv wrote



premiumcaulk t1_j1e8th6 wrote

So this can account for some of the instances. But can you say it's all? There is a systemic abuse of power within the polices forces of the USA. In many places to the point of gang control. I will not say all cops are bad. But it takes a fucking lot to put any trust in one for me. I consider police guilty until proven innocent.


[deleted] t1_j1eab04 wrote



premiumcaulk t1_j1ebbt7 wrote

Maybe you grew up differently than I did, but my entire life I've been targeted by police for just going about my day. I've been pulled over for profiling, I've been tossed down a small flight of stairs by my neck at age 15, I've watched countless people be aggressively approached by officers with absolutely no need for that level of force. I think it depends on where in CT you are. Those were mostly New Haven. The one who tossed me was Milford.

My biases come from the treatment I've received. As I said. I'm sure not all cops are bad. I've met 2 in my life who I respected. But I don't ever just assume they're good.