Submitted by Kampfman t3_zuzb0e in Connecticut

How long do I need to be punished with expensive Insurance rates ? It happened in 2020. Although the court has me finishing up the process with my victim impact statement in January. Once in cleared, how long will this linger? How long will I have to pay for my mistake with the car insurance



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Kolzig33189 t1_j1m658i wrote

Maybe it’s just your wording choice and I’m misreading, but it seems like you’re complaining that 2 years is too long to be punished for a DUI.

Be happy you didn’t kill anyone or yourself. Higher insurance premiums is a small price to pay for such a big mistake.


AfterMoonSet t1_j1nmkpl wrote

OP should be lucky he isn't in Canada. There a DUI can fetch one up to 10 years in prison.


Kolzig33189 t1_j1nrrsh wrote

Damn, Canada is really hardcore about that. I’m guessing the 10 years wouldn’t just be just for getting caught and has to involve some kind of collision?


AfterMoonSet t1_j1vxf2l wrote

Probably. But I know they are very strict about DUIs. I watched some episodes of the Canadian border security show on Pluto, and I know as a foreigner one can't even get into the country if you have a DUI. In order to gain entry one first has to contact the embassy and prove, some how, that they have been rehabilitated.


fred-the-red-reddit t1_j1m4qu1 wrote

You’ve deemed yourself as untrustworthy to all insurers. You will be paying a premium for your untrustworthiness for the remainder of the time you plan on driving. It isn’t “lingering,” you are seeing the repercussions of your actions. Why would a company, especially one that assumes your liability when you get into an accident, decide to lower your rates AFTER you’ve shown that you are the type of person who will get behind the wheel while intoxicated?


iamdrinking t1_j1pzje4 wrote

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Insurance will go back down in 5-7 years.


_343_Guilty_Spark__ t1_j1mt8qf wrote

Bro if you have even an ounce of self respect you’ll delete this and pretend you never even considered typing it out. Hopefully Santa gives you a good smack upside the head and an Uber/Lyft gift card. Get over yourself


IndicationOver t1_j1nfwxr wrote

That too, weird af he made this post on Christmas of all days lol


_343_Guilty_Spark__ t1_j1o0ffc wrote

The absolute audacity or inability to read the room is at unheard of levels. I was so speechless/angry that I typed out and deleted my comment multiple times before settling for something that wouldn’t get me banned


SSoviet_Slayer t1_j1pa2a9 wrote

I’m sorry you had to retype your text multiple times to avoid a ban, truly I am. There is no freedom of speech on these platforms. mods need to relax and corporate America should be more speech friendly. Idk just my opinion


CTrandomdude t1_j1mf8df wrote

It’s only been 2 years!! That’s not long. You said you have to write a victim impact statement so I assume you not only had a dui but you hurt someone. How much did the insurance have to pay to cover that claim and or lawsuits.


Slapchop420 t1_j1n9x2c wrote

Had a few family members killed/maimed because of drunk drivers... Enjoy that bag of dicks you get to eat since you're still living!


purpleflyingmonster t1_j1nat8n wrote

Exactly! I had a friend killed by a drunk driver. They were young with two small children. Fuck anyone driving drunk, I hope you have to pay higher amounts forever honestly. That’s the lucky way out.


pmpkinspicebooty t1_j1mbmjq wrote

Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.


Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_j1mglro wrote

Did you purposely misword this to avoid triggering the play stupid games win stupid prizes bot?


adam_west_ t1_j1m54pd wrote

Ten years , roughly. Some insurers don’t even look back that far


StretchLimo66 t1_j1mcbv1 wrote

Yeah I paid out excess premium for 10 years after my dui. And OP hit someone and is complaining after 2 years lol.


interestedpeep21 t1_j1m70i1 wrote

Make sure you don’t pick up another dui because the court program only allows use every ten years and once you have a conviction you will never be able to use it. Count your blessings in that you were program eligible.


Knineteen t1_j1n946r wrote

Forever. Stop risking my family’s life.


NotoriousCFR t1_j1m7904 wrote

The lookback period for traffic tickets and accidents/claims is usually somewhere between 3-7 years depending on the company. Not sure if it is longer for a DUI.


CicadaLife t1_j1myhcu wrote

Probably forever to some extent. People who have received dui's in the past are more likely to do it again, while someone who hasn't received one is less likely to get ever have one.. For the insurance companies it's just math, and you are now permanently in a higher risk group.


TreeEleben t1_j1n3g8j wrote

Living in a urban area is enough to get you put in the high risk category for years.


darthirule t1_j1o71eg wrote

If it were up to me? The rest of your life if you were convicted of a DUI.


TreeEleben t1_j1n3ag5 wrote

It takes 7-10 years for anything to drop off your insurance records. Let this be a lesson to stop driving drunk. The arrest record of the DUI will remain forever, even if you complete the program and get the charges dropped.

It's absolutely insane how we barely punish drunk driving. DUI offenders should be banned from possession and consumption of alcohol for years after a DUI. But instead we just say "don't do that again".


Sweet3DIrish t1_j1o2lj1 wrote

Arrest records also get cleared if you do diversion in CT.

A DUI stays on your driving record for 10 years in CT.


jpenn517 t1_j1noxb6 wrote

I hope it goes on for another decade. Honestly, it'd be better if you never drove again.


incurable_rabies t1_j1of4ju wrote

i don't know OP but this hard cider is for you bud, cheers


knowslesthanjonsnow t1_j1ors3q wrote

Honestly? It should be forever. DUI should never happen.

Edit: downvoted by children lol


CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_j1pozfi wrote

It wouldn’t if we installed interlock ignition devices on all cars instead of only people who have already been caught. Too bad everyone would cry about “my freedom”.


knowslesthanjonsnow t1_j1pyigf wrote

I am a big proponent of that as well


CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_j1pz2c2 wrote

Typical human BS. We have perfectly good technology to eliminate DUIs but we won’t use it because people will bitch about their rights or something.


knowslesthanjonsnow t1_j1pzblr wrote

Because this society specifically values alcohol consumption over safety and consequences


LightingTheWorld t1_j1pnqsl wrote

There are different levels of "DUI" and it has certainly become more draconian across the world, especially in the US in efforts to keep roadways safe.

The NHTSA wants to set the "Legal Limit" from .08 down to .05 Interestingly - when they reduced the legal limit from .10 to .08 - alcohol related roadway fatalities increased.

99.99%+ of people who drink and drive make it to their destination without hurting anyone, without killing anyone and without causing property destruction.

With that said - we certainly need tough measures in place to keep dangerous drunks off the roads, what we have done to do so has been to tarnish constitutional rights. (4th amendment, 6th amendment)

To put things into perspective - in some states drowsy driving causes more harm/death than drunk driving - do we arrest people for being tired? No.

In other states distracted driving is far more deadly - especially for teenagers - do we arrest kids and lock them up for being on their cellphone while driving? No.

Across the country the leading singular factor in roadway fatalities is speeding. Should we arrest every individual who exceeds the posted speed limit by 1 MPH + ?

Everyone is quick to pass laws and judgement on others, and all seem to always be in favor of stricter laws to prevent tragedies from happening, the future might well be that we will all be under a police state, if we aren't there already?

Don't drink and drive.


coastal_girl14 t1_j1ouorg wrote

Forever is not long enough in my opinion. Be thankful you still have a DL and can procure auto insurance.


[deleted] t1_j1pz1r7 wrote

Good. You deserve to suffer.

Like everyone who was hurt by people like you suffer. The injuries from car accidents tend to last a lifetime.

If it were up to me, your suffering should be permanent.


CroMag84 t1_j1q1bkc wrote

I had a minor fender bender in 2017. It stays on for 5 years with geico.


Aaron351 t1_j1q4kv3 wrote

How are you even driving with a DUI on your record in the last two years? Be thankful you’re alive and able to be insured/drive at all…unlike my uncle who was killed by a drunk.


adultdaycare81 t1_j1ng0hp wrote

Don’t change insurance. They won’t re-rate you if you don’t. You can add a car etc. But never cancel your insurance if you get a dui.


Sweet3DIrish t1_j1o2ngw wrote

That’s not how insurance works….


adultdaycare81 t1_j1o5bnz wrote

Spent several years as a licensed Property Casualty broker. Had a several clients get DUI’s


Sweet3DIrish t1_j1oenjr wrote

Property Casual is different from car. Companies randomly pull driving records for their existing customers as well as new customers. Also if you change anything about your policy, including adding a car, they will run it.


adultdaycare81 t1_j1ofk36 wrote

You are a moron. Property & Casualty insurance is the license you obtain to write Car insurance policies. I literally wrote hundreds of them.


Kampfman OP t1_j1m6pnw wrote

Good points all, thank you


IndicationOver t1_j1nepf9 wrote

As someone who got hit by a drunk driver, I hope you learned your lesson but I do not feel bad for you at all.


Merry Christmas