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wakinupdrunk t1_iz9pfzt wrote

Okay, I thought this was just me and was talking to my therapist about how driving either at night or when it rains is more nerve wracking than ever.

Driving home from work when it rained last week felt absolutely terrifying. I never loved driving at night in the rain, but now it feels straight up like guessing where the road is.


Money-Measurement961 t1_iz9uhn8 wrote

It’s not just you everytime I have to drive home in the dark and it’s raining I just wing it the entire time and hope I make it home safe. And I wear glasses too.


Heavnly19 t1_izau622 wrote

It's definitely not just you, because I have the same problem. Driving at night in the rain has definitely been very scary lately.


itsbrandenv2 t1_izb2mcp wrote

Same here - I had to pick up my Fiancé from the hospital the other week when we had that brief snow squall. Of course, it turned to rain by the time I was leaving home at night for the pick-up. I was on Day Hill Road in Windsor about to get onto 91 onramp and legitimately almost drove off the road, extremely nerve-wracking. I just chalked it up to eyesight but after reading everyone else's responses I wonder myself now...