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JW860 t1_j1sfpci wrote

Many have an "invisible" fence. Collar gives a tone (or slight jolt) when dogs approach the boundary. The wire is buried an inch or so in the ground. Pretty economical compared to a full fence. Some think it's mean, but most dogs learn quick through training and don't get the tone or jolt.


Kolzig33189 t1_j1sfi0e wrote

You can either have a fence built or use electronic underground fence which is what most people do here.

Don’t have your dogs roam, regardless of size and breed.


DifferentJaguar t1_j1sf5i1 wrote

You can have a fence built…


[deleted] OP t1_j1sfii2 wrote



CDawgbmmrgr2 t1_j1si9qy wrote

Do they all have dogs? Ha I’m not sure what you’re expecting. If you have dogs get a fence unless they’re really trained or you wanna leash them up every time


Few-Information7570 t1_j1sgd0g wrote

Electric fences. But people don’t typically let their dogs out off leash here. Coyotes bears etc make short work of pets.


[deleted] OP t1_j1sgv3x wrote



Few-Information7570 t1_j1shdy1 wrote

Yeah it’s a weird one. I think no one would blink an eye if you built a fence and had the dogs roam free in the day. Coyotes only really come out at dusk or dawn here.

To be a broken record the electric fence would work too. But if overly friendly neighbors or walkers may complain.


Allinorfold34 t1_j1ske3j wrote

7 foot privacy fence sounds nice. Don’t leave that spot 😆


Few-Information7570 t1_j1sgiup wrote

We have one set of neighbors who will let their lab pit mixes fight coyotes at night. No surprise these rescues tend to get euthanized every so often when they go after neighbor dogs.


Allinorfold34 t1_j1sk4t7 wrote

I would suggest just doing it right and crying once. I went invisible fence first to save $ and my dog ran right through despite being well trained when he saw a bunny. The prey drive can really get to them. I would just have a fence installed. It’s expensive and ir sucks but it’s ultimate peace of mind for our fur babies


maxanderson350 t1_j1sfo2e wrote

I think most dog owners install invisible fences.


Fenway93 t1_j1sgew5 wrote

Dog parks for canine socialization?


[deleted] OP t1_j1sgnvl wrote



JHolm915 t1_j1sj878 wrote

Plenty of good dog parks around here. I highly suggest the Southbury one. I go everyday and there are little to no problems and since it is run by a trust and not the town they kick problem people out rather quickly and eliminate problems.


Fenway93 t1_j1sh3sq wrote

I actually have never been to one in my life.. weird I know.. take your dogs on a leash and go for long walk or hike, and make sure your Lyme vaxed! Lol


Pinocchio226 t1_j1ugodw wrote

Well one answer is they don't.


tdigren t1_j1sgut5 wrote

I have a Newfy. I live in a condo. She’s always on a leash for potty or walks, as it’s state law ( I think, but is definitely local law). We do take her to off leash locations often though.


Dorkknight112183 t1_j1sh8jv wrote

The fact that your asking makes you much better than most so I commend you. I live in Windsor locks and it’s a free for all in terms of people taking initiative and responsibility for their dogs. We just got a new loser neighbor about six months ago who lives in the duplex next door, and every night he lets his dog poop all over the neighborhood and run and fetch in all of our yards. (Neighbors and I have come to the conclusion that he only walks at night so he isn’t seen and held accountable), While shoveling snow a couple weeks back and stepping in his dog poop I confronted him and said “could you stop walking your dog in my yard in general, nevermind letting him poop here? Have a little respect for peoples property”. His response, (I’m not even kidding), “but you’ve got that big yard and room for him and I don’t”. And then he stood and stared at me blankly like I was the a$$hole. I was dumbfounded. A couple days later I actually decided to be the bigger person and offer help when he had a flat tire right in front of my house, and he decided to Jack the car up without putting it in park. One attempt at breaking wheel bolts and car rocked backwards and jammed the Jack up into the underbody. Surmise to say we’re not dealing with the top brass here.


Malkor t1_j1sjjnj wrote

The first (and only) time I had to change a flat and I did not engage the parking brake.

My wife still makes fun of me

Also to /OP Invisible Fence is a great suggestion, BUT if there's something super interesting it'll only do so much...


OrneryVoice1 t1_j1shlqc wrote

You can use a tie down and attach a long cable to the dogs harness. We tried that with our dog, but he's older and would just sit instead of running around. So we just take him out for walks a couple of times a day.

One thing about electric fences is that some dog rescues do not allow for their use. Our neighbor had one and his dog would get spooked and then bolt through into our yard. Once he did that, he wouldn't go back.


JHolm915 t1_j1sit5n wrote

I go to Southbury Dog Park and have my dog trained to stay with me in the yard.


silasmoeckel t1_j1sjkzh wrote

Training, the Schultz hound training was cheaper than the fence and 0 worries about her not following commands. Good thing as no issue clearing the 6f fence many towns around here cap you at would have been a lot of money for no practical good.


Smokeshow-Joe t1_j1sm8z0 wrote

Underground dog fence and obedience school.