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[deleted] t1_j13pxh9 wrote

Speeding is a nonviolent crime. Why should our police waste their time with nonviolent crimes? There's more important things. /s

Well, people - this is why nonviolent crime should be dealt with.


yeet41 t1_j14f9dj wrote

Exactly, fines only hurt the poorer class of people. I can pay speeding fines all day and not be bothered.

I didn’t see this much outrage when the person jogging was ran over by teenager in a stolen car with large arrest record in new Britain. Guess it needs to fit the narrative.


dkdaniel t1_j14lzyb wrote

Outrage has been building as people have become more aware that the number of pedestrian deaths is climbing while in other developed countries it's falling. People are realizing these deaths are preventable.


johnsonutah t1_j15253a wrote

Lol so true about the kid in new Britain with a long ass rap sheet who killed a person in the stolen car.