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BeachAdjacent t1_ized73n wrote

Expanding foam insulation in any doorway / window / basement cracks, draft blockers (aka rolled up towels) at the bottom of all exterior doors, and plastic film insulation on all the windows. Not cling film stuck to the window, but a perimeter around the window frame of double sided tape and then a large sheet of clear plastic stick to it and shrunk with a hair dryer until it is tight. Doing these each winter added 5° to the house without any fuel use.


1234nameuser OP t1_izf5xsj wrote

Thanks, hit all this up in early November and saw a big improvement compared to October.

Doorframes are our biggest problem and will never understand why I have a full glass back door with a screen door when it's regularly below freezing.


apothecarynow t1_izgijdi wrote

Anyway to put the film and still use the blinds? I have to seal my blinds in which sucks to get light.