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Perualex t1_j1z9ydt wrote

Idk if 2019 fbi data is very useful. Crime went up nationwide during the pandemic. Even here we went from murders 3 per 100000 people to 4.


IGameOnMac t1_j1zil2k wrote

That’s true bro. It’s just the only data I could find. Think Bridgeport is maybe 2nd this year, in terms of shooting incidents (not homicides), two off from new haven, and Hartford is significantly ahead both.


Perualex t1_j1zj2nf wrote


curbthemeplays t1_j20nkux wrote

Yeah, I’m glad the city seems to have gotten over its Covid crime bump. Unemployment plus kids from troubled households not having in person school will do that.


IGameOnMac t1_j1zk34o wrote

Oh yeah read the same thing recently. Bridgeport is 2nd in crime, but idk if there was an increase. Uh yeah New Haven did really well this year compared to before in terms of crime. Waterbury had an increase or something tho.