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twomorecarrots t1_j5yho5z wrote

Yes, this is a problem, more than the salary I think. It’s one thing to be paid X for a part time job. But how are you supposed to find a career that allows you to work the other part of the year? It limits public service to people who can work for themselves or not work at all.


Most-Flight-9505 t1_j60zod4 wrote

How about this? Make all Ct legislators teachers. They serve in the summer on a rotating basis and make ALL the decisions for the state. And get an extra $40k. Problem solved


_JayC114 t1_j601t8g wrote

They’re CHOOSING to take the job!!! They know what they’re getting into!!


sld06003 t1_j604gsg wrote

Yes, the problem is more who is and who can choose.


_JayC114 t1_j605st0 wrote

Then don’t take the JOB!! IT’s that simple!!


sld06003 t1_j606mlb wrote

You're missing the point. The only people who are able to take the job at that pay are people who are independently wealthly or do not need to otherwise work. These groups don't tend to be truly representative of the population. Raising the salary to a point that *typical" people are able to quit their job and run would be how you get a truly representative group.